
If you vote for any Republican, from now on, you are evil. It is that simple, and that basic. If you vote Republican - whatever you call yourself, whatever you say or think publicly, if you actually help put in even a single Republican into any office at all, you are evil, and if there actually is a hell, you are

Yes, I did it at Berkeley. I majored in Cetacean Biology.

And this is why Florida deserves all of those hurricanes and disasters and suffering and horror.

Normally, I say how I hate America (I do!), but today, I’m going to state how much I hate the state I live in, Oregon. The amount, is a lot. A whole lot.

This cop is going to rot in prison for two consecutive lifetimes for killing two innocent people for no reason at....

Cannabis, legal in America for 150 years, should never have been made illegal. This stupid and arbitrary ‘war on drugs’ needs to end, now. Before now. It never should have happened at all.

I am looking vor the nukweear wessles. I was sent by kiptin Kirk. Could you tell me where I can vind the nukweear wessles please?

All this grifter has to do is use a few thousand dollars and build a knee-high ten foot long wall on a piece of border land and he has technically and legally satisfied his obligation.

When the US becomes like China in terms of ‘Social Credit’ for online activity, look forward to this sort of DRAMA literally destroying human lives. Yay, DRAMA.

Christians are oppressed in the same way that rich, powerful white men are oppressed. They just can’t manage to dominate every single last thing, and must suffer with settling for only almost everything. My heart weeps for them both. Weeps. Such tears. Much salt.

“But for the life of me, I can’t figure out why certain families have more and certain families have less, and also suffer for the decisions that the rulers have made.”

It’s always something when people alter their own activities to accommodate the arbitrary beliefs of other people. Kinda like how almost every restaurant serves fish on Friday to appease Catholics. Or the agreement to not be honest about Santa Claus to children. Basically, it is exactly that, every single time.

It’s good that people will get the relief they deserve - but mark my words, those riders are going to include civil rights and basic freedoms being harmed or destroyed, and we will all be financially poorer from additional benefits to the wealthiest tacked on.

That woman looks like she’s sucking on alum. Her lips look like a second anus. That is one pinched-face narrow little piece of crap there.

Shut the fuck up TERF.

America is a despotic, evil, wretched nation, and I am ashamed I am trapped by age and lack of wealth enough to leave it forever. I despise America. I doubt it can ever be saved now.

I personally knew Beth Elliott. Aside from leaning a little strongly to the right-wing in her politics (How? How do lesbians decide to do that? Whyyyy?), she was a totally upstanding woman in every way.

Kate Mulgrew (Janeway) is pretty okay except that she is infected with Catholicism. If she could ever overcome that, she’d probably turn out completely decent. Religion ruins everything.

Why the hell doesn’t somebody working in the background - for the sake of the entire nation, as a patriotic duty - just take or copy any of this information and release it to the public? Wouldn’t that be the single most patriotic thing any person could possibly do? Where are the whistleblowers when we actually need

Open carry, everywhere in public - the adult version of baseball cards in the spokes of your bike so it sounds like a motorcycle.