
Anti-choice is never about abortion itself, and it is not about fetuses. It is about control. It is about who owns women’s bodies - women, or the state. It is about power - and in that regard, those who oppose abortion are driven by the same force as those who rape: the need to dominate women.

I am convinced that gender is inborn, and separate from body sex. It has to be. A two year old cannot grasp the manifest complexities of historical social gender politics - they just know what they like, and what they like comes from who they naturally are inside.

I am trans, and I do suffer severe PTSD. I got that from being beaten every three to six months when my family moved (my father made maps). Kids could tell my gender was different from my sex within minutes of meeting me, so I was constantly being harmed. Additionally, my own parents loathed me for being what I was,

Well, there’s a big problem with that. Unless a child can take hormone blockers to stop puberty until whatever age they are finally allowed to transition at, there is a large probability that they will never be fully ‘passable’. Being passable is commonly the difference between living a normal, happy life and being

I knew I was trans at the age of 5. I only got more certain as I grew. Fortunately for me, at the age of 21, three weeks before my surgery, some headlights pulled up in front of where I was laying flat in the street - it made my father get off my chest and pull his gun away from my head.

To every game raging soul still angry about the launch of No Man’s Sky, I say this: when was the last time Electronic Arts, or Activison, or any other large, giant company spend several years massively expanding and improving on any product, making of it something entirely new and massively larger and better, all

Nobody wants to deal with multiple game-launcher storefronts. Everbody wants a simple, easy way to play their games, and buy them too. But nobody wants to have to keep charts around so they can remember which separately-loading storefront-launcher has which game, or which sequel to which game, or which friend in

You know, honestly, I can accept that this piece was slapped up in a hurry by someone who wasn’t wearing their glasses and was probably not thinking about anything much. It’s exciting to get upset over presumed malice, but sheer blind dumbfuckery is the standard normal for all humankind.

Trump is acting like a dictator because he wants to become a dictator and the Republicans want that to happen as well. And it will happen, unless the entire Republican machine is dismantled and disgraced. I don’t see that happening anytime soon because everyone opposed is too afraid to stop it in any meaninful way -

Donald Trump is a fonferer and a paskudnik.

I am 59 years old. I have never had the measles, or any other dangerous communicable childhood disease. I have no way to know, for certain, what I was vaccinated for, only best guesses. The same is true of the other adults in my family group.

Yes, I absolutely think the low level of crime is because of the prohibition of guns. Culture is a useful social technology, but people are people. In a civilization it is not your job to protect yourself through violent force - that is the specific job of a police force. Yes, the American police force is vastly

Do you know that I don’t give a flying fuck? I am tired of an America where school shootings happen at all. If it were possible to find ‘all the bad guys’ there would be no crime at all. It is possible to take all the guns out of the hands of average citizens. It is possible to have a society where gun crimes are

A man with a knife can kill a handful of people, maybe. A man with a car can kill a dozen people, maybe. Maybe.

Yes! This is so true! I have never mastered getting all the clasps, one always manages to not be hooked and then digs into my back - sometimes making it bleed. Doing it the red way is just plain unsafe!

No company, not even Google, which has tried, can hope to moderate or eliminate every example of copyrighted material that might be posted or used in a larger work. The only affordable answer to such a demand is to entirely stop allowing ordinary people to post anything - the danger is too great, the cost too large to

You will never truly, physically own or be able to hold a game ever again! Welcome to the future of (effectively) Rent Everything: Own Nothing! Enjoy!

This will not end until all media - text, video, audio, and games - are always and forever only - effectively, whatever it is called - rented and never possessed, where nothing can ever be saved or kept for any reason, and service can always be discontinued and the user shut off at any time, purely at the whim of

Submitting to a tyrant is still submitting to a tyrant. It’s not about election 2020. It is about the moral issue of ever submitting to a tyrant.

I forgot Jenna! I really need to watch this series again. I loved Jenna!