I have no ads on my PS4 at all. I subscribe, maybe that’s why, but I have never seen an ad. All I see are my games and my background. I’ve never seen a single ad.
I have no ads on my PS4 at all. I subscribe, maybe that’s why, but I have never seen an ad. All I see are my games and my background. I’ve never seen a single ad.
Well fuckity-cockshit, this is godfucking christsucking fine felching news right here.
The reason, I personally, think this is the worst place America has been in is because... there is a white supremacist molester in the white house during the greatest economic and social depression that the country has ever faced, and even should the racist molester be removed, the next person in line for power is a…
I have a concept of how to correct this terrible situation. If people want to be able to vote, I suggest not comitting violent crimes. I know poverty sucks, and opportunity is constantly thwarted by an oppressive racially charged society but... there are lots and lots and lots of very poor, very oppressed people who…
Fetuses are never, and have never been the issue. The issue has been, and always will be, whether or not a woman can own her own body. If you truly own your own body, then you can do whatever you want to it - including evicting unwanted fetuses. Or using your body to live any kind of independent life you wish to live.…
I’ve got the middle name! Goku ‘Dirty’ Sanchez! Whaddya think? Great, eh? Eh?
OR... that being different can be rewarded by getting blessed by being able to marry nothing less than a living River God who is vastly superior to a mere human.
I reason that this is Trump’s fault. Humans are great apes, and great apes are driven to follow a social hierarchy. It’s inborn: follow grayback, follow a dominant authoritarian - be it a god, a human in a fancy suit, or even a symbolic representation of such in the form of a flag. Whoever is the current grayback sets…
Klingon comedy clubs are without honor.
The Epitaph For Humanity: You got exactly and precisely what you allowed to happen.
These cowardly, weak Democrats make me feel ill. They had the scum by the short and curlies, and they just... give up? That’s it? They sell out?
A long time ago, trash-talk didn’t exist. No, really! They had this weird thing - it was called ‘Good Sportsmanship’. I know, it sounds Edwardian, really ancient. But, get this - competing atheletes would actually be super civil to each other, wish each other well, thank each 0ther for playing, and generally act like…
The proper size for a television set, or monitor, is always, always, ALWAYS just one simple thing: what is the biggest, hugest, most gigantic screen that can possibly be afforded. There is NO other question.
No, don’t scratch it - that will just make it worse.
This happens, every year, to thousands of people. It has been happening to thousands of people per year for several decades. She just happened to have a video taken during that brief moment when she got dumped. This is normal in America. THINK ABOUT THAT.
I keep asking this: why is he still in power? What is wrong with Americans? How can this man still be in charge?
Please Canada: conquer us. Please. Please, oh god, please.
You are so right - America is basically a lipstick-enhanced third-world country now, so the best immigrants will easily be people from even WORSE places! While the civilized nations provide basic free healthcare, education and job opportunities and more, it takes real moxie, real guts to survive and make it in a…
There is nothing that is too bad to happen to this man. SWATing is the most cowardly and pathetic murder-by-proxy I can imagine, and in this case it happened to a random stranger not even involved in any way. It could have been literally any one of us here. Any one at all.
Hey, fuckhead - maybe a nation that could only be formed through the enslavement of innocent human beings isn’t neccessarily worth being constructed in the first place. Maybe if white Americans couldn’t get it up to build a nation without black slaves, then maybe the basic premise was flawed from the beginning. If…