You know, I did not know that. Thank you.
You know, I did not know that. Thank you.
This is humanity. Evil equals money and fame. Even petty evil. Being involved - to whatever degree - in the destruction of Kerrigan’s knee and Kerrigan’s career, and Kerrigan’s greatest single dream in life - has become a gold mine for the perpetrator. And the public loves her - they love to hate her, and they love to…
It’s NEVER the time for women. Because: men. If you are so damn professional, then ignore all the bullshit - and it is bullshit, however sweetly said - and put the best people on your team even if they happen to be women.
For a corporation like Ranbaxy, 500 million is pocket change. It is a slap on the wrist with a nodding wink. It is a minor inconvenience, like having to remove a small pebble from a shoe. They will make that money back in less than a week - perhaps even a day. It is not a penalty. It is a sly grin of complicity.
This is a lack of imagination. Fine - superintelligent A.I. rules the world... and shortly, the universe. Man is secondary. Ever read the Culture books by Iain Banks? It isn’t game over, it’s Game Start. It’s living starships and immortality. It’s uploading to new and better bodies, or into virtual worlds, or into…
How is this tard still in power? What the flying kindershise is wrong with Americans? Why. Is. He. Still. President. Of. ANYTHING? Are all of you powerless and weak? What the hell is wrong with you all? Impeach! Pull him for medical reasons! Swarm the damn white house by your literal millions and pull a Starving Mass…
Trump may be going down! Huzzah! There’s just one problem. Pense is waiting, and he is arguably much, much worse. This concerns me.
Sometimes - not just at work - the only options are to put up with shit and evil and awfulness, or to just not have, do, or be anything at all. That is the situation, very, altogether too, often.
This is true - but just as necessary is the ceremonial wearing of white double-D bras on the head, like hats. Very important step.
This is exactly the same problem as the Gros Michel bananna. Exactly the same. And shade growing and agroforestry can help - but they cannot stop the problem. The problem is here, now, and when it spreads - and it will - the sins of monoculture past will come to call, whether or not we have learned to farm more…
Can you prove her claims false? No. You read it somewhere, and you believed it. Why? Because you read somebody complain. On the internet.
I does not matter whether or not Cher is or is not any particular genetic mixture. Should ONLY former astronauts be allowed to write about space travel? We would have virtually no more science fiction. Should ONLY real historical cowboys write western stories, scripts or songs? That is the end of the Old West right…
How do you tell an ‘OK’ hand sign from a ‘WP’ white power hand sign?
I own a black alpha lotus. How do you even go about selling something like that for 27,000 dollars?
Absolutely! I found Clara... dull, really. She wasn’t a person I wanted to meet. But Bill - oh, Bill Potts - I adored her! She was so fun, and the character always saw things in such a unique way. I loved everything about Bill, except that she was given such a short ride. I wish Capaldi had started with Mackie right…
What a piece of work is man, How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, In form and moving how express and admirable, In action how like an Angel, In apprehension how like a god, The beauty of the world, The paragon of animals. And yet, in the end, he sticks random things up his butt.
The monarchy are parasites no matter what else they do.
Hey, Quebec - You aren’t a separate country. Stop being separatist assholes.
Once again the true nature of humanity is demonstrated: conniving, duplicitious, destructive, spiteful, thrilled by chaos and despair, bored and dismmisive of compassion, kindness, or cooperation.