
All great stories are about characters - people - because humans are social creatures. Bad writing is bad writing. If character development and exploration is left out, or minimized, it does not matter the genre - video game or movie - bad writing is... bad writing.

In order to properly fuck those assholes, may I suggest the CDC simply use alternate words and flip the finger as they do so:

If we have reached the day when copyrighting or patenting the very idea of specific sandwiches is even worth considering, that is also the day that we have breached Maximum Toxic Capitalism.

If you simply take a realist view, a rationalist view of the universe, then there is no problem with the premise of San Junipero. Without any gods, any souls, and without any afterlife, demons, or ghosts, ‘you’ are nothing more than the pattern of information running within your biological computer brain. Transfer

That will happen the moment that overly-wealthy fanatical vegans stop making asses of themselves in public by trying to change the world to fit an unnatural Ideal that they personally hold. Trying to force compulsory carnivores (despite an adaptation for limited omnivorism) onto a vegan diet isn’t just a defiance of

Everybody acts all outraged like they somehow don’t understand that America is a violent, unjust, oligarchic, racist, fascist hell-hole. This is everyday life in the US. This is what America means.

Arizona Police Officer Philip “Mitch” Brailsfordis a sociopathic monster, a serial killer with a badge, and the very concept that any legal system would do anything but put him in a cage for life offends me to the core. Giving that vile beast a pass for blatant murder disestablishes law itself as a valid concept. It

How is it that this coup, this takeover of the nation formerly known as ‘America’ is being allowed to continue? Why isn’t this tin-pot would-be dictator already removed from power? While I post here, pathetically, helplessly, the current Conservative power bloc is destroying the nation for decades to come and not a

So it’s basically ‘My Brain Tumor Is Acting Up: The Game’?

I can help you understand!

This Ball man is an asshole.

Yes. America is a tyrannical empire. There are no rights, just a comforting illusion. You and I are nothing, and very possibly, never were in the past. Aw... I’m just kidding! America is the best, most free country in the world. USA! USA! ‘Murica!

At first, I thought your comment was erudite and fun - what a clever literary reference! And then I suddenly felt sad. Very, very, very sad.

Does anyone really think Trump will suffer anything - at all - from any of this? Do you really think the rule of law applies to him? Nothing will come of this. He will never be touched. There is no real law. There is only wealth now, forever more. We have lost our country. We are all serfs, we can only complain to

This isn’t a tax bill. It’s a coup. You’ve just lost the nation.

An all-female ticket is a risk - a risk that just once, good things might happen not to rich bastards, but for the people doing the electing. That’s a huge risk to the men in power.

I LOVE this candidate. I almost wish I could vote for her... but that would mean living in Michigan, and it gets super cold in the winter. Not fun. Still - damn, but she is amazing!

Peanuts was never meant for children. It was meant for adults, as an existential, nihilist commentary on the hopelessness and suffering of existence. Until Snoopy became profitable. THEN it was for children. Because: wheelbarrels of money.

With regard to AIDS in Africa, it might be pertinent to mention that much of it is caused by the raping of young women and girls for the magical purpose of forcing the spirits of the disease to leave the man for the pure flesh of the girl, who is considered disposable. That and massive, culturally accepted, cheating

If it was possible to just leave the US and go to Canada, I and my family would be proud and loyal Canadian citizens right now. Without question, without hesitation.