
My god, in all of my fifty-seven years, never have I heard such an ignorant dumbshit as this ridiculous B.o.B. fellow. I’ve seen all kinds of dumb, I’ve met people I was sure as shit were missing parts of their very brains somehow, but B.o.B.’s hard-core derp here not only takes the cake, but drops it, slips on the

The world’s saddest Nets fan is the schmuck who has to clean that bathroom.

On serious note, why caveman waste spear-stick on thing that not affect tribe? Those cave-paintings of fire from lighting are old and -200,0012 could have happen. Instead waste spear-stick to try make fire, me want more mammoth meat for tribe or give stick to little ones so they start hunting more early. More best?

Fuck Electronic Arts for making a game that requires such a robot just to even hope to acquire the upgrades necessary to succeed. If your game is so frustrating and boring that building robots is better than playing it, then the fault is yours and not the robot builders. Electronic Arts screws players out of their

Um... Koko the sign-language proficient gorilla became convinced that her dead cat ‘Ball’ was ‘somewhere else’ even though she understood what dead meant. She invented this on her own, without any human handler telling her religious notions. Arbitrary belief and religion are not the sole province of Man. So... if that

Behind every great fortune is an equally great crime.

The Navy did not lie. That is the highest standard of aerial dong illustration I have ever seen.

Damn, uppity women acting like they have some kind of free speech rights - or any rights at all - in this here Man’s World! What are things coming to when any old woman can have an opinion that disagrees with what a decent man told her to believe? Good on that brave, brave sheriff for slamming that dangerous, scary

Here is what George Takei could have said:

Psychopathy is an inborn trait that can be determined in children as young as three. It is a brain disorder where the circuitry that permits empathy is compromised or entirely inactive. Psychopaths are almost universally charismatic and manipulative, having emotional concern only for their own status and values. On

No person does this - all of this, especially the sex and abuse related stuff - ‘because they are trapped’. That is bullshit. This is something that went on because Becca got off on it, on numerous levels. She played an asshole man to the hilt because she is, ultimately, that same asshole for real, and being disguised

As a trans woman, I completely agree with you. Any Queer person - genderqueer or otherwise - that works against equality and especially against self-ownership of one’s own body is not merely a hypocrite... they are actively working against their own survival, legitimacy, and existence. And for what? Crumbs from the

If you don’t want to randomly die, ban all guns. Nations that have banned guns from the general population don’t have this sort of thing happen. It becomes major news when a single person gets knifed. Mass slaughter becomes unthinkable, and not normal, like in America.

It’s only logical, then, that churches pass out Kool Aid with cyanide in metal buckets and have every member drink a red solo cupfull. It’s actually been tried before, as I recall. Works very well. Everybody goes to heaven! It’s a happy ending!

Nations that ban guns - all guns - don’t have this shit happen. It’s big news when one person gets knifed in a country of millions. If you don’t want to randomly die, ban guns, all guns. That is, always has been, and will remain the one single real-world answer. Everything else is bullshit. Guns are for mass

Overwatch should take a tip from Splatoon. Seriously - in Splatoon, you get nothing for kills (splats). Nothing. Nada. Zip. The only benefit is that you get someone out of your face so you can get on with the point of the game (which is painting the floor)... which is reward enough.

I don’t like Discovery one bit. It is nothing but violence and criminal stupidity. I prefer the Orville.

This episode served one important value: it defined for us that Elle, Eleven, Jane, is not a monster. She chose to help others rather than satisfy herself. That choice was the point of the entire episode. Elle has been dangerous and scary until now, despite some sweet moments. This is how we finally know that she is

The more Orville ceases trying to be a comedy, and the more it just allows itself to be the next legitimate Trek, the better a show it becomes. That is what it is destined to be - the next Trek series in all but name. It has the true soul of Trek, unlike the licenced property, ‘Discovery’.

My family was a Nielsen Family, once. I was immediately disappointed - the thing is shoddy at best, and an outright hoax at worst. There is no possible way they can get any reliable or real data from the crap methodology they employ. I never believe a thing that comes out of Nielsen. Remember - Nielsen is why the