99% of all men masturbate, and the other 1% is lying.
99% of all men masturbate, and the other 1% is lying.
I have that Amiibo, and I even tried it... but I don’t think I was paying attention. I missed what she actually did. This is useful information, should I find myself in a bad place in the game. Thank you!
Cartoon characters, gods and saviors, characters from literature and song - people often benefit from idolizing fictional people. Sometimes you just have to ask yourself: what would Twilight Sparkle do?
Ivanka is telling the truth: she wants a level playing field. She wants every person other than her family to all be equally third-world impoverished. She wants every American worker to be grateful if they can get a dollar a day. She wants American working income to be level with that of the poorest nations on earth.
Basically, the Portal level in Dimensions is... it’s Portal 3. Seriously. End song and everything. Chell and Caroline/GlaDos come to an understanding. It’s... it’s freaking everything Portal 3 (which will never happen) should be.
Yes, he was evil. He is still evil. Bush had power. He used it not for good, not to help people, but for vile ends, to enrich himself and to settle vendettas, and to benefit other evil people.
Beer is for drunkards. Now Root Beer - oh, a quality, proper root beer, that is best served in a chilled, ice-covered glass mug. Beer tastes like sour piss. But root beer, now we’re talking - root beer in a frosty mug is the real deal.
I agree with the sentiment. I too want to live in a socialist democracy where people matter before profits.
In 2115, everyone (that matters) will be emigrated to a virtual existence. The only time they will interact with the physical world will be to download into a robotic machine body in order to sift ruins or to do science. Physical cognac will be useless to them in any meaningful way.
You mean ‘polishing’, ‘Rocking Out’, ‘Gem-Grinding’, or doing a little ‘Masonry’?
That... that hug was the most courageous thing I have seen in a long time. Man hugged a Nazi, like he was a hurt child, and got him to realize he didn’t know why he was filled with hate.
The only job this STD has accomplished is infecting the memory of real Star Trek with pustules of emo dystopian disappointment. STD can be cured by regular doses of Orville, which I highly recommend.
Since 1978, I have played a multilingual unicorn equpped with a ring of telekinesis set onto her horn. She carries full adventuring saddlebags, wears bespoke boots and is accompanied by four Pinixyiads - a crossbreed of pixy, nixy and dryad - who serve as her personal ‘fighter squadron’ and SEAL team.
Why is everything I kind of like filled with insane people who replace the meaning of their very lives with that thing? Am I somehow in the wrong here for just enjoying stuff because it’s fun? Am I doing it all wrong or something?
It’s not the size of the sword, dullard, it’s the motion of the STABBING.
How am I existing in a world where there is any controversy - at all - about a game where the point is shooting goddamn evil Nazis? How is this even an issue? Nazi=evil. Period. Nazis are the very definition of wrong. If any damn thing in all this world needs killing, it is Nazis. World War Two, for godsakes!…
Coward. Turns to the mythical Sky Wizard in old age after a lifetime of proudly queering. Joins the bigots as a Hail Mary play in the last seconds, hoping to score a heaven-down. All respect lost.
Better for non-violent, non-dismembering, non-sex-murdering human beings. That’s who.
I and my partner have hiatal hernias which makes eating quickly impossible. We have to eat small bites, slowly, to get the food down and to avoid it getting stuck. If it gets stuck, the muscles can cramp around the food, shutting off our stomachs for hours - or in one case, days. It is intensely painful. Such stomach…
God, YES! I would want to drive the Mitsuoka. This car is fascinating to look at. In a world of boring, samey ‘Look, it’s another SUV-alike’ or ‘Oh, look, a box!’ styled cars, this thing is a positive work of bizarre art. It looks like it drove off the set of a science fiction series about alternate realities or…