
The ability to protest the government is the founding principle of America. Any threat to that basic right is by definition anti-American. At this point, every last citizen should be taking a knee every damn time, without exception - just to make that point, if not for all the other important reasons.

I agree. This third season has been exceptional, but I have to admit that I did really enjoy the ‘Purge’ episode... and a few others akin to it as well. Maybe the occasional ‘silly’ or ‘loose’ episode acts as a sort of palate-cleanser for when we have to swallow the really tough stuff!

Of course this is a hate crime. Murder is just killing someone. It takes hate - real, deep, gut level hatred - to gouge out someones eyes and vivisect them while they scream. If that isn’t hate in action, I don’t know what is.

So Valve nixed the idea of including women in Team Fortress 2. I wonder why it is that I play Overwatch, by Blizzard now, instead. Oh, because women.

We are currently living in an American era of ever dropping crime rates. Every year we all have less and less to fear - though that is not what media usually tells us. Fear, sells. Now, we have as much to fear - or more, depending on our skin color or sexual or gender status - from police, than we do from non-police.

That’s it. To hell with America. I am ashamed I was born in this vile nation.

I want this. I want this in Overwatch, basically yesterday. Tara is a fantastic character, with interesting abilities and great costumes and a beautiful home level... oh please, please, let Blizzard hire her, or buy her design and put Tara in the game!

Please flush the United States: there is a Texas clogging the Gulf of Mexico.

Is there any legal way to eliminate the police as we currently endure them, and replace them with a proper constabulary of decent people, well trained and compassionate to other human beings? Because, as it is now, frankly, the blue line is dark burgandy from all of the blood of the innocent.

It is indeed that life is far too short, that no man has the time to fully mature, for wisdom comes only in the final decades, if at all, and it is then that the body and mind are oft too weak to make much use of it. Worse, there is no man, howsoever virtuous, who is spared the ravage and waste of sickness of spirit,

I don’t like Hillary Clinton, but as I stare into the possible nuclear apocalypse courtesy of Trump and his ‘Rocket Man’, I damn well wish Hillary had been elected, and it was all business as usual. Poverty and despair are terrible, but at least you get to feel and experience something at all, which you don’t when you

There is an entire generation that has never - and without this remake - almost certainly will not, and cannot, play Shadow Of The Colossus. Imagine a world where the original Ghostbusters, or Back To The Future could only ever be watched during the eighties... and never, ever again. By anyone. The game is a classic,

The only reason there is no crossplay in games is because one company or the other is being a dick at the time. It’s petty and arbitrarily enforced, because it is actually easy and natural to do. Epic has pointed this out ‘accidentally’ so that people will know the fact of it. Thank you, Epic.

I genuinely liked the original Knack, I am truly happy that Knack 2 exists. Knack isn’t innovative, it isn’t a blockbuster, but then it was never intended to be one. If you pay attention to the world behind the game, it’s really quite intriguing. I’m not saying Knack is a great game series... pair... whatever. But it

So, ‘Cars’ are Daleks, then. Basically. Daleks.

So, cowards. Cowards who cannot think for themselves, stand on their own, or question everything whatever that leads to. I find such people pathetic at best, and a disgrace to the potential of humanity in every case.

I agree: blood is not thicker than safety. I’m trans, the last time I saw my mom she put a knife toward me, the last time I saw my dad, he had a gun to my head as he sat on my chest. The only thing that saved me was a car’s headlights. Race, sexuality or gender - bigotry is capable of turning even parents into your

So much fuss over breastfeeding... yet the only super-important part of breastfeeding is to make sure the baby gets colostrum. Colostrum is only super concentrated in the first 72 hours after giving birth - it is a thick-ish, yellow-ish version of breast milk that contains all of the biological information for

So, the entire point, the entire benefit of ‘Dead Hand’ was purely a matter of vengeance, of retribution, of vindictiveness. All of civilization - global civilization - held in suspense because human beings needed the assurance that if they got hit, a mechanism would hit back after they were dead and nothing could

The human brain is still immature at 20. Culture does not matter, it is an arbitrary invention, just like the law. What matters is that somehow, the state can murder children through trickery, by playing on the fact they do not comprehend their circumstances. That is what this was, a child tricked into killing