Every child deserved sympathy, and he was a child. If you lack basic humanity towards underage children, then you are inhuman.
Every child deserved sympathy, and he was a child. If you lack basic humanity towards underage children, then you are inhuman.
It is his fault. He should have lied. When faced with a corrupt and evil bureaucracy it is the essential duty of every human being to attempt to thwart it at every turn.
You are very smug about the death of another human being. Regardless of whatever the man had done, the fact is that he was put into the position of being allowed to drink a fluid that killed him, and not one American stepped up to stop him at the last moment.
If this is such a good, safe and sane idea, why not use fabric softener on your own, human head? It must also logically work there, and for any dandruff as well. After all, hair is hair, whether on the back of a dog or on a human head, it is the very same material. And skin is skin, too.
I think I can answer that question - Gene Roddenberry. It’s a lot easier to get people to listen when they think something isn’t about them. It’s less threatening. Roddenberry dealt with race issues in Star Trek in the 60's... and he got away with it because it was “science fiction” - it was out there, crazy wild…
I used to like Davison. Dammit. He’s just a narrow, privilaged, sexist piece of shit. Dammit, dammit, dammit.
Ink is effective against kid but NOT squid, and is double effective against octoling. However, any kid can transform into squid making ink ineffective until the squid rises up to become kid again.
Moray Towers is my favorite map: I love the verticality and the ability to sneak behind enemy lines if one is clever.
Humanity’s Weakest Link... also the Missing Link, from the look of him.
It is not racist to state that a culture - the completely arbitrary invention of human minds - is failing the people who adhere to it... and that is all he said. The same could be said about any people of any color who cling to a way of life no longer useful, supportive, logical, rational or helpful purely out of…
There are no real police anymore. There are only government sanctioned brutal, murderous thugs now. They kill innocent humans and pets and steal whatever they wish (asset seizure), all legally. The police need to be abolished (and tried, and imprisoned), and something new put in their place.
So... hungry... need food... badly.
Somalian history is an endless bloodbath of clan warfare and genocide dating back many, many centuries. Somali are specifically noted among those that went out of their way to capture and sell other tribes as slaves to white Europeans. The entire lineage of every Somali is a story of slaughter, enslavement, and…
There was a reason they made Socrates drink hemlock.
Thargoid ships remind me very strongly of Ryo-Ohki from Tenchi Muyo - vaguely crystaline/flower spikey shape with a dome on top and protrusions on the bottom. I wonder if that is deliberate or a very odd coincidence?
Paid leave? You just murdered an innocent woman in cold blood, cops! What’re you gonna do now? GO TO DISNEYLAND!
They believe that most of their buyers are extremely frustrated adolescent males, and they nightmarishly distort and objectify the parts of women’s bodies that they know would most appeal to an undeveloped oversexualized mind.
This is just one reason why I am absolutely opposed to capital punishment. This man isn’t the only person falsely convicted of murder - not by a long shot. Once you execute someone, there is shit you can do when it turns out they were completely innocent all along.
“The Omaha Police Department made a mistake on this occasion,” Schmaderer told reporters.
These four men are traitorous as fuck. Guilty as hell. They are complicit, but they know enough not to actually invoke the fifth amendment, because they clearly believe they are above any action against them. And they are probably right, because America is long dead. Long, long dead.