Because of this act, I will be passing on purchasing Prey. I will also think twice from now on, when I see Bethesda on the label.
Because of this act, I will be passing on purchasing Prey. I will also think twice from now on, when I see Bethesda on the label.
They wanted segregation. They got segregation. They got what they wanted. It’s segregated now. That is the one, and only point here. And it is an evil result she could have blocked, but did not. The end.
Huh. Fundamentalist religion acting out hate, narrowness, bigotry, ignorance and social violence on innocent people? I am just so surprised! It’s almost as if arbitrary religious dogma was considered to be more important than compassion for the real lives of good people or something. Color me shocked.
“...Were it not for a number of practical considerations...”
The entire beauty of Overwatch is in being able to pick something you enjoy from among a large roster of characters. If this freedom of choice inconveniences those who prioritize * winning at all costs * over actually having fun, well, that’s just too bad. There are a LOT of super-competitive games out there, and…
America was pretty okay, while it lasted. I miss it already.
Analion: Black Hole Warrior’ Episode Three: The White Bowl Of Earth:
“Fecus Wiparian is the last member of an ancient society.
He must pilot the Analion to defend the world against the Dingleberrian Empire, denizens of the evil Black Hole of Santorum. The Atlanta Anus is under attack! Analion to the rescue! PAPER…
The impression I get from this article is that white people shouldn’t talk about black people, shouldn’t create art about black people, shouldn’t reference anything to do with black people, and ultimately are better off not even thinking about or recognizing the existence of black people at all. It just causes too…
I’m sad to see the Bastion changes repealed. I’m old and lack the quick reflexes of my youth - picking Bastion is a way that I can feel like I am contributing to my team in a meaningful way. Maybe I’m not dashing about, but with Bastion I can protect a corner or area... for a while, until somebody takes me rapidly…
Remembering that this is a - radical - Muslim, and not a kind, everyday sort of Muslim like the one that makes your Frothiccino at Starbucks, your objection to, and choice not to punch makes him a happy lad... and he happily slits you from stem to sternum whilst shouting a jolly ‘Allah Akbar’. You bleed out on the…
Americans are deeply stupid and easily manipulated.
It’s easy to not be a feminist when your utterly vast wealth and power significantly depend on pleasing males. Vast wealth is a very convincing motivation to surrender to patriarchy.
These Seattle police have the wrong shirt color. Why aren’t their shirts brown? That’s just poor dress sense.
It’s Too Soon.
The entire reason Overwatch has so many diverse characters is to make the game inviting to everyone - there is sure to be a character / playstyle that someone will like.
Five months from now? Why not right now? Because, five months from now, her release can be cancelled by Trump, and most people will have forgotten entirely. Obama looks good, but the government still gets its pound of flesh.
Bomberman is one of the most fun couch-coop games I have ever played. It’s right beside Bubble Bobble in my top ten list. I am so excited for the return of one of my very favorite games of all time.
So... basically slow, narrow-minded, undereducated gossip-followers who are easily entranced by dominant, blustering men? Yahoos, essentially. Right-leaning, intolerant, tribal yahoos.
My female friendships - and relationships - are the opposite of confusing. They are sensible, rational, compassionate and passionate. Men are confusing. Women are relatable. Davies’ statement sounds weird to me, and somewhat self-loathing.