
You have no idea who they are yet they are all “probably” well-off?

Are all 14 independently wealthy? Did you check, do research? Unlikely considering you work for Jezebel. Why not try being a real journalist before condemning people.

He’s right. When the lights go down and Lucasfilm Ltd appears on the screen I get goose bumps and tingly all over.  Many problems that it has i liked A Force Awakens as much as I did because it felt like seeing Stars Wars in 1977.

How is “There’d be room for Lando with fewer Porgs cluttering up the place.”?

Saving Private Ryan is a bad movie. Overhyped due to the involvement of Hanks and Spielberg.

I was thinking more like lately. Ever since his recent Civil War comments he’ been invisible.

Speaking of John Kelly...what has happened to him?

At this point it’s women not woman and I also don’t think it will matter. Voters in Alabama will not care.

December 17th here

How can one be “indifferent” to Mark Wahlberg? He is completely annoying and unlikeable and getting worse with age.

How would he accidentally overdose?

Timeline. That dragon movie. Olympus has fallen.

A fault of the show was trying to make James’ (and Winn’s for that matter) character relevant to what’s going on. James is a conduit to Superman, a supporting character, ans someome different for Supergirl/Kara to interact with. He is not important at all.

Hopefully the Mueller and Senate investigations result in the end of Facebook and social media. The pre-Internet world was so much better.

Damon never asked the times to kill the story. He called the reporter to find out why Weinstein asked him to call her and that was it. He admitted to vouch in for an Italian filmaker, that’s it. And his account was confirmed by the reporter today or yesterday.

Basterds was written and directed by Tarantino so that’s who Pitt was working with. Pitt and Weinstein may not have even had contact during production.

Considering that Clooney punched out David O’Russell for being mean to an extra on the Three Kings set I imagine his statement after HW harrassed Amal would be a police statement.

Pitt handled it the proper way: directly and immediately. What’s he supposed to do, babysit WEinstein the rest if his life? And I haven’t checked but I don’t know that Pitt has worked on many if any of Weinstein’s films.

The imdb boards contained both the best and the worst that message boards have to offer. I am disappointed too at their demise but I can see why it happened.

mother! is the superior movie though I can see It out performing it with its wider appeal. It has long stretches of boredom punctuated by bad dialogue and bad acting. mother! is never boring and has terrific acting, so terrific I can definitely envision Lawerence, Bardem, Pfeiffer, and Harris winning the top four