
How underrepresented are Asian actors in Asian movies? Do you know or have ever looked into it? I bet not very. Never been to any Asian country but I bet in any of them AsIan people are pretty well represented in the local media.

Giving this movie a “B” score is kinda generous. I give it a “C” due to a few scary scenes but overall kinda boring. Don’t know what a “clunky script” entails exactly. Is it the too obvious time period references and over use of “fuck”?

They are and FUCK THAT! Ruined my favorite theater.

Crefit transactions take longer unless you’re using a self checkout. Especially now with the cards with chips that take so much longer to process.

He’s super rich. You expect him to know what a $20 bill looks like? Or care?

Are they clowns or fools or both? They aren’t necessarily mutually inclusive.

So boycott Ford and Domino’s?

I agree, but they wouldn’t have had the 2/3 required to impeach.

Congress not senate.

Trump did no such thing. The legislative branch imposed the sanctions. Trump had to sign them, both houses of Congress had veto proof majorities.

Still be enjoying The AV Club, that’s what.

To point c. I interviewed for an accounting  job at a state prison a long time ago. I was left in a room to get acquainted with two potential coworkers. Both were white men lime myself. Don’t remember  how the conversation got there but the subject of police brutality came up. I was against it. They asked if it had

Point b is irrelevant. Democrats always win the non white groups, blacks by a large margin, and Jews too. Fact is that Trump won the white vote but received far less votes from white people than voting trends suggested the Republican nominee should have gotten.

The “it doesn’t affect me crowd” must be really stupid if they think it won’t effect them. Other cops will see what this piece of shit did and got away with and believe they can do the same.

WW is not a feminist icon or role model and can’t be. What she is (demigod), what she can do (deflect bullets, jump great distances, levitate), and what she does (defeat gods, monsters,  and armies by her lonesome) can’t and won’t be replicated by real women. WW won’t even try to tackle the problems faced on a daily

Their “all powerfullness” of them is what makes them interesting. I encounter many relatable people in my daily life and very few of them are interesting.

No. He seems to think that HE needs three more Avatar movies. The world will comsume them if they get made but Avatar and its sequels are vanity projects.

Wonder Woman was designed to be eminently fuckable. That was her whole point.

Not at all gratuitous. Without fucking Reece how is John Connor supposed to have been made?
