
That poor, brave little bear. Bless his big, huge heart and his parents who raised such a fine person. I feel for them, truly.

That poor, brave little bear. Bless his big, huge heart and his parents who raised such a fine person. I feel for them, truly.

I loathe Tyra Banks. What a self-absorbed asshole.

Maybe she should go to rehab for sexual addiction. That's how most men who get busted cheating handle it.

Babies are great and they should be welcome anywhere, anytime with the caveat that the instant there is a ruckus you take your little darling outside while he/she calms down. It's a roll of the dice for the parents and that's why most parents won't risk it on special occasions. Civilized ones anyway.

It’s correct to use past. The verb in this sentence is “walked”, and the “past” is acting as an adverb.

Where's the " I have no self-respect" one? Or is that just included in every packet?

I think it is a lollypop which seems even creepier somehow.

How old is that child in the print ad????? Ewww!! I remember seeing this in my Seventeen magazines along with the "Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific" ads. They lied.

This goes for everybody. Give it a rest with the cheap colognes and ham-fisted perfumes already. You shouldn't be leaving a wake of scent as you walk past...


You win the Internet. It is a rhetorical question and builds from there. There is nothing corny about reflecting back on your life and the people that have passed through it.

I think this is the first thing Kevin Smith has written that I really admire. His humor isn't my cup of tea and I tend to shut his stuff off after a few minutes of viewing. Tastes vary and that's okay. His stock has just soared though as far as I'm concerned. Speaking out and nipping the crazy in the bud speaks

Is 3,000 really that much? Jesus, at our house alone we plow through at least fifteen boxes a "season" and our neighbors are buying their fair share as well. The scouts pull wagons piled high with boxes of cookies onto our street and leave again with them empty. They sell in front of the supermarkets and I have

VAB, I am sorry you are getting in the neck for making what reallyis an empathetic comment. Of course people can feel sick and horrified by what has happened and one doesn't need to be a parent to get it. For me personally ,the love I feel for my baby took me completely and utterly by surprise. I knew I would love

$15.oo for a movie ticket = 120 minutes of amusement (hopefully).

Choosing Tyra Banks as the spokesperson underscores how truly insincere this campaign is...

She is lucky they didn't gun her down. Good thing she wasn't driving a black car...

That woman ain't right. Sleeping in the same bed as her son-in-law and posing for all the pics makes her seem quite suspect to me. The tell-all book is really creepy as well.

So being objectified and treated like a piece of sexual meat might be bad for a person's spirit? Maybe sex work isn't as empowering as some will have you believe. The fact that she swore so vehemently to her children that she would never go back to the industry leads me to think she wasn't as happy doing porn as she