
Why would you even look for this when you can play Hearthstone?

How to Ruin Monopoly and make people hate you!

“Twenty-four thousand gold? I-I-I-I don’t know how much that is, is that a lot? Is it a little?”

Some white men will be. And we’ll all be happier for a space they avoid.

What you are upset about is that Beth is not respecting your fe-fe’s or your head canon, because somewhere along the line, you somehow got the idea in that thick head of yours is that what you think and feel matter to a multi-million dollar dev who owns the IP to a game you get all hot and bothered over.

Thanks, came here to say this, it is transparent jealousy. If slightly improving the odds of winning a card game is worth more than $15k to you, I suggest you re-evaluate your life choices.