
Does running around in dark corridors, and periodically shooting at things that jump out at you through poorly lit environments sound fun? Because it's just that, until the game ends.

I’m aware of that, but at the same time, this tends to be a genre that skews toward the hardcore player. The average SRPG is way, way harder than a traditional Final Fantasy game, even without permadeath. I think they should make it at least an option, because taking risks and learning to cut your losses when you make

A lot of hardcore strategy RPG players would prefer the perma death. It makes the game that much more interesting.

Black Ops 3 was also 60$, and has paid, planned DLC releases for a 50$ season pass....but it also comes with 2 different campaign modes that can be completed solo or co op, a zombies campaign, and the same number of multiplayer maps out of box, and I don’t even consider CoD to be a game with a particularly huge amount

I don't think it's that SW:B is bad, I just think that it's a bit much to ask people to pay 120$ for what relatively little content there is. If this game had been priced at, say, 40$ and the DLC had been released for free, I think the reception would have been much better. As is, I'm with you....I won't be buying

In all fairness, this is an excellent strategy to garner votes. The more people with brain damage, the more potentially sizable his base.

This episode was the tipping point in the series for me. I used to love this show, but this season was defined by a marked decline in the quality of writing, and the ideas present....after this episode, I remember just being like "Yeah, okay. The X Files is over."

I kind of agree. He’s very, very hard to work around for a variety of decks, and for that reason, you can pretty much expect any deck out there to be running him.

For me, what solidifies NV as superior to FO3 is some of the DLC, particularly Dead Money. *Spoilers Ahead* - You spend a lot of the DLC hearing about the “curse of the seirra madre,” but you’re never told exactly what it is....well, when you reach the bottom of the vault in the Sierra Madre, you find dozens of gold

You *almost* had me excited to play this, until I read the bit about having to pay 10$ for it. Then I remembered how mediocre and shallow I thought the TR remake was, and how much I hate the skin-wearing lizard men that have somehow infiltrated Square Enix's publishing division.

Well, Reach *is* probably the best Halo game, technically speaking.

Someone who SERIOUSLY deserves a mention here is the AG of West Virginia, Patrick Morrisey. The state of WV is currently suing several pharmaceutical distribution companies for the prescription overdose epidemic that has wrecked this state. The state AG would be the one in charge of the lawsuit.

I don't think you can really say that Donald Trump is ever arguing "for," or "against," anything because that belies a dangerous assumption that he has any clue what he's saying.

“Do I sound like I have no intelligence?”

I feel like if there were an award for not understanding both the contents of the article, and the general vibe of what is happening on the democratic side of the election at all, you would not only win that award, it would be named after you.

Personally, I attributed it to both Finn and Rey having some degree of force sensitivity, although Rey obviously demonstrates a more advanced connection with it. We will probably find out she’s Luke’s kid.

You think the ending is confusing? Were you not confused the entire game, in that case?

The best way to play Fallout is just to do whatever seems natural to you. If you want to advance the story, go do that. If you want to explore, go do that instead. If you want to sit around and craft a 4 story power armor garage, you should do that. The game throws a lot of content your way, and then there's probably

sounds like we have similar perk builds, and I also use a two shot .50 cal sniper. I one shotted a mirelurk queen on Survivalist yesterday. That's when I realized maybe I've broken Fallout.