
Oh god I think Lucian is a total hack, but I can't wait for his challenges because he is so hot and I can't wait to see what's new with his facial hair.

Ooooh that's a clever idea. I always thought she didn't get the chance she deserved. Still want Katya on my TV tho. I don't care if she wins or loses, Season 7 became way less compelling after she left.

But looks are, maybe with the exception of Sharon Needles, not whats going to win you Drag Race. Don't get me wrong, they are ESSENTIAL, but looks and fashion alone with no performance skills aren't going to save you. She legit lost to Layla last week, who was only marginally less bad than she was. There's no way they

100% agree. She's like Bianca, without the secret chewy center of kindness and light deep down. Bianca was glorious, but she went out of her way to avoid/defuse unnecessary drama. Acid Betty looks like she will bring the drama, which is all you really want in a villain. Phi Phi had one GREAT line and for the rest of

I've always wondered how and when Ru chooses the Lip Sync For Your Life song for each challenge and this episode made that question all the more pertinent. We've all noticed that the budget for LSFYL songs has gone down recently and there aren't as many great songs chosen. When I heard that these clowns were going to

Yeah it absolutely can't be Naysha. I mean Layla legit beat her in the lip sync last ep and then served America this mess. I think Oliver might be onto something when he sends prayers for Katya. It has to be a queen that is competitive enough so that none of the other queens can complain that she wasn't there for the

That's the thing most gun control advocates or even the vast majority of gun owners who believe that there should be more gun control don't realize. The pro-gun movement is dominated by a tiny, but loud minority of extremists who have such a strong distrust of government that they genuinely believe that the federal

Yeah, this really can't be blamed on Schumer. At least with Chris Rock and Louis CK, its expected that the evening will go downhill since neither of them are really known for being great at sketch comedy.

Do you really think that's what she means? Are you that dense?

Oh yes because you MRA assholes really give a shit about intersectionality

Must be why Amazon is cutting her those checks to make Transparent

I feel like this challenge would have been better if it also didn't have to be a musical. One musical challenge is fine, especially when you have a few good singers like on Season 6, but two is pushing it a bit when the best singers are merely mediocre. Even the best queens probably would have gotten more into the

Can someone explain to me what the point of the whole pump info out of Olivia ruse was? All Ian learned was that she and the president are a thing, which like probably everyone in DC at least suspects at this point. All that showed me is that these clowns clearly don't know what's up.

I don't know, maybe because if you listen to the lyrics, the entire song was a massive political statement. He didn't need to wear the shirts his bandmates were wearing because the words coming out of his mouth were plenty political.

Pretty sure The Babadook wasn't eligible for Oscars. Probably has something to do with the fact that it was simultaneously released on VOD and in theaters or something.

First of all, this episode was incredible in every way. At least the last half hour. Secondly the only thing i have to say to your suggestion of having Lisa Kudrow appear on The Good Wife is SPLOOSH

Yeah there are plenty of gay websites out there where older men can search for younger men who have a "daddy" thing and vice versa. I got the sense that it was a non-commercial hookup.

Exactly. I used to work in the entertainment industry, and unfortunately all of this BS is part of the job. Of course here its definitely exaggerated to make a point, but that doesn't mean its any less real.

In law school, especially 1L year, your only grade is your final exam. No papers, no midterms, just the final. Some seminars have papers and stuff, but big lecture classes are just a final and that's it. Thus winning the competition would essentially mean you wouldn't have to do anything for the entire semester.

No I got that, I was just saying that the terms of the immunity idol would probably still be too dubious for the 1L gunners that would be likely to earn it… I knew people in law school who wouldn't have taken a pass on an exam if they could have spent weeks killing themselves and outlining in order to get that A.