
It's not like being an AUSA/elite defense attorney is like a 9-5 job though

Also lets be real, while some people want to do high powered criminal defense/ASA/whatnot, a lot of top law school students are just gunning for fancy BigLaw jobs. I don't care what Viola Davis says, some people just want the $$$ (despite the soul-crushing costs).

Yeah, I will say that the way that everyone would be willing to kill for that immunity idol to be realistic if it got you out of THE exam. That said, does getting you out= a pass or an A? The true gunners would get that immunity idol but still take the exam if it meant anything less than an A. #lawschoolissoterrible

I read Bert's voiceover as mocking the all-too common Modern Family group hug montage episode ending sequences not endorsing them.

I sort of agree with you, but that doesn't mean that simple tactics such as those suggested by Geena Davis don't have merit.

Having been raised Catholic, which as a faith isn't that keen on Biblical literalism and thus accepts things like the Big Bang and evolution (with the Thomas Aquinas style caveat that God was the "first mover," which fine) it took me so long to realize that everyone associates all Christians with the fundamentalists.

Todd VanDerWerff has mentioned time and time again about his devoutly Evangelical upbringing so if anyone at the AVClub would be eligible to review this film, it would be him. Maybe before you start randomly liberal bashing after being linked here from some crazy right-wing site, you should do some research.

Yeah there are words for that in Russian, more glaring is that there is no word for "fun"

Yeah, you have every right to say they are wrong, but to say they are trolling is a bit much.

But that's sort of the point? If you end up doing "good," which in the end Amy does (despite the horrible things she did on her way there) does it matter if you are doing it for the right reasons or you are an asshole? Given that its so hard to do "good" does it matter that in order to do good you had to hurt people

Except that its widely acknowledged that the second season of Enlightened took what was a promising but flawed show and made it transcendent. This isn't about what has been the best show through its entire run, but which show was the best in 2013. Enlightened's second season was that.