
They should do an episode/plot arc where one of the "houses" at Winchester turns out to be named after an avid defender of slavery, who also owned slaves, and who inspired secession with his pro-nullification arguments. Also, I always thought it was mega weird to use the term "master" in college, but mine was a woman

Legit, but I also don't think she would have done her. The problem is that queens probably think Coolidge is a) too obscure and b) have too much respect for her to do her. Those are both stupid reasons for a look queen with a vague sense of humor not to do her. More important than anything is choosing a person that

Seriously, it honestly blows my mind that no one has even attempted Jennifer Coolidge yet on Snatch Game. Liza (and her mom, still) were bigger gaps, but Coolidge seems like a fairly easy character to work with. The beauty of Jennfier Coolidge is that, even if they don't come close to approaching her genius comedy

I agree with you generally about the lack of the mini challenges this season, but I think this episode at least justified it by showing a far longer acting clip than usual (which by and large was among the better acting challenges in Drag Race herstory). That said, we still need to beat the drum for mini challenges

This piece is based on a false premise. The point of SNL's Trump material is not to point out how stupid and incompetent his administration is and its certainly not to convince people who support/supported him of that. SNL's Trump stuff is only useful because it drives him insane and pisses him off. SNL's approach is

It's more that I basically reject the idea that SJW should have ever been seen as a pejorative at all. I've never really understood how it should hurt my feelings to say that I fight for social justice.

This proud SJW is really loving watching all the racist idiots finally wake up to the fact that, far from being an indictment of PC-culture, Sunny has always had a fairly liberal political agenda. I can't imagine actual fans of a show for which "The Nightman Cometh" is one of the most beloved episodes could possibly

#Agreed Also, I love your username…

This show was filmed immediately after Season 8 (including the finale I think, since based on the promos for next week it seems to be filmed on the same stage). Notice Detox's casual reference to Pulse in this episode without any hint of emotion about what happened there in June, especially given that Roxxxy had

I'm still more disappointed with Detox because I feel like her saving Alyssa was genuinely because of friends bs and I have always found their relationship insufferable. I was honsetly disappointed to see Tati go, but I think Alaska really eliminated her because she was stronger competition than Roxxxy

I definitely agree that was the case tonight, but I feel like Alaska's meltdown demonstrated her THIRST to win and proved my theory that she eliminated Tati mostly because of competition reasons and then tried to mask it in the Rolaskatox of it all. Detox I feel genuinely kicked Alyssa off because of bullshit. I would

I am usually a sucker for LGBT people finding acceptance from their family stories, but the fact that the drag show Detox's father saw was at PULSE sent me reeling. And yes, I know that this was filmed right after season 8 and the producers only kept that reference because of what happened, but it was definitely the

100% agree that Alaska sent Tati home because she was her biggest competition. It's clear to everyone watching what a master she is.

I'm pretty excited about it. It includes a lot of the same team from the Matilda musical (which was awesome), including composer, Tim Minchin, and director, Matthew Warchus. Unlike most movie-to-musical adaptations that pop up on Broadway and are utter crap, I trust this team to do it right (and reviews in London

With a couple exceptions, that was sort of how Matilda the Musical (by the same team) worked, and it was one of the best musicals I've seen on Broadway (including Hamilton) in the last few years, and a pretty big hit.

In Thorgy's defense, she had by far the worst character. I think she did pretty good with the cards she was dealt even if it was basic.

Preface: I'm a white gay man.

100%, while there are some that seem to be better than others at this point, pretty much all of them are at least starting from a baseline of good, which is far more than can be said about last season…

Tyra is really the only Team Look winner that had absolutely zero personality. Raja was head and shoulders more exciting than the other queens her season, and even if she wasn't a great dancer/singer, she was a fabulous and interesting performer (see, the "Straight Up" LSFYL with Carmen). Violet was the closest thing