
I love everything about dragon age 2 (save reused locations) but I wouldn’t alter shit about it. Florence and the Machine me up. It’s kinda like how they used Marlin Mason for the Wrath of the Titans trailer. Movie needed a rock metal soundtrack.

I love this song so much. Das Malefitz ME3 is baller too. M4 Part II though. So many night drives jamming out to this song.

I would at this point end online sales of these products. Brick and mortar. No ship to home. Same thing with game consoles.

I wait for the GOG releases but yeah man. I skipped Ghosts to see if I could save money in case Sony double dips on PC. If they don’t release Ghosts in the next 3 or 4 years then I might buy a copy on the cheap.

I think it’s brand legacy to be honest. Sony can support a console with exclusives alone and the quality is just as good. MS can’t save a console for the life of them it seems and at best was a good alternative if you just didn’t like the playstations and wanted to play 3rd party games. There also was an argument

Lol, compared to nothing. The frame rate drops started to hurt my eyes playing on my sister’s switch on a 720p TV. It might be 15 years of 60fps PC gaming and 2 years of 120 fps gaming catching up to me but if a game can’t run at a perfectly smooth frame rate when targeting 30fps at 720p then everything needs to go

Gamestop, target, best buy, wally world, whatever. Hard to scalp as many units when you have to pick them up in person.

Legit the only thing I was looking forward to from Nintendo at E3. I still can’t get over how poorly Breath of the Wild runs on the switch and is a major reason why I haven’t bought the game yet. I can’t even begin to get excited for the sequel if it’s locked to the same ancient hardware. I love the switch and the

Here Here! As an independent right leaning libertarian I couldn’t agree more. At most it’s a “Eastern European Medieval Life Sucks Simulator.”

I took it as the old 80's/90's movie trope of “What cook-a-many backstory do we need to slap together to get the particular geo-political situation that would allow us to do x, y, z...”

I assume the director’s cut is the Kojima way of saying “Enhanced” or as we would say back in the day “GOTY”, “Gold”, or “Platinum”. Not gonna lie, the MGS fan in me had waaaaaaaay more fun with that trailer than I should have.

China is an energy importer for sure. Russia has this issue where they have resources but not the resources or man power to really harness it. Lol I wonder if in a few years the Chinease market will even be possible to tap:

I like the idea of the word politics being used differently. I would say that the term “Geo-Politics” where you had politics and where the right leaning would say politics should be swapped with “Political Agenda.” I see the setting of BF2042 having no more of an agenda than say Alternate History Hub does. It

Ah man time to go see the ign fire.

Yeah the fact it’s not China is the outlier. Though the EU falling apart isn’t that far of a stretch. I don’t see it getting “BF2042" bad but the shared economy is the only strong link holding it together. If Germany decides it’s done funding most of Europe and the whole thing falls apart.

Lol articles like these are why these devs jump through hoops. Let the art speak for itself and call it a day. If it has a message it will show it. If it’s just using current political tensions as set dressing then the analysis wasn’t worth the time.

Kinda upset the US isn’t getting the 6 button pads...

I say yeah but M2 has done phenominal jobs on the 3D Remakes of the Genesis games on the 3DS. Like I don’t mind double dipping on them.