Kids aren’t your best friends, they’re your tiny hostages. They stood by you because, yeah, where are they gonna go? It’s not like they can go home and call you later. They’re tiny hostages with a heavy dose of Stockholm Syndrome.
Kids aren’t your best friends, they’re your tiny hostages. They stood by you because, yeah, where are they gonna go? It’s not like they can go home and call you later. They’re tiny hostages with a heavy dose of Stockholm Syndrome.
This, I’m assuming, does not cover white extremists. Just those brown ones.
I can never think of Hanson without seeing Craig Ferguson and the Craigettes do Mmm-bop. With puppets.
It really isn’t fair, she still looks that amazing...
Is he having a mid life dick crisis, because this sounds like a mid life dick crisis. Dude, get a script for little blue pills and get over yourself.
Naw...she’s probably just the embodiment of a curse placed on her new husband. I wouldn’t read into it that you’re cursed. She’s just the instrument of evil come to destroy his will to live.
Why does Taylor Swift hate color?
They’re traitors, too. They think Russia interfering was a good thing because otherwise Hillary. They don’t care that he lies, they don’t care if he’s a traitor, they don’t care that he’s breaking his “word”, which is patently ridiculous seeing as how his only words are lies. I’ve never seen such a prolific liar in my…
I’m gonna date myself on this one, but I remember The Z Channel and 1,000 showings of “Clash of the Titans” every week. I think they had about 8 movies all told, and “Clash” was their big blockbuster movie.
First day of skool is hard!
She got slapped down when she tried to hawk her QVC crap on the White House website and every eyebrow in a 100 mile radius went shooting into the stratosphere. They took it down after the Washington Post printed an article about it not only questioning the legality, but also the slime factor. But, you know what they…
Props to you for thinking he’ll vacate the White House after 8 years of unbridled power.
So in other words, they filmed an actual rape and then sold it.
As a member of the Satanic Temple, I just have to say:
When Saint Ronnie Raygun said “Facts are stupid things” at the Republican National Convention in 1988, most people thought that it was a misquote.
Good gawds, that dress looks like my great aunt’s bed skirts. That is just uber hideous.