Buy a house you can afford and keep trading up as you're able to.
Buy a house you can afford and keep trading up as you're able to.
I would rather have one button that just blanks the whole screen instantly.
So how do you handle any of these things when you don't have health insurance?
No, there are many elements of terms of service that can be prosecuted criminally.
It's embarrassing to say, I thought it was Dan Fogelberg and it turned out to be Annie Lenox.
I've always wondered, what's the difference between photography and capturing just the right frame from a video clip as the photo you wanted?
I just discovered this web site yesterday by accident and found the song I needed in seconds.
Would it be too much to ask that the map on Google maps or MapQuest actually take up the majority of space on the screen so you can see it? MapQuest's maps are less than 1/4 of the page on a computer screen.
What do you do when they take your electronic device (phone, laptop, etc.) for repairs for 8 weeks? How are you supposed to survive without the device for that long? They're forcing you into buying a new one with their own warranty.
I have a family member who works in the "recycling" business and she says everything you throw into your ordinary trash can gets sorted on the other end, so there's no need to knock yourself out with the multi-color containers. Recycling is a for-profit business, nothing more. If it weren't it would not exist.