I honestly may have missed this, but didn’t Hela destroy Mjolnir in Ragnarok? Did it get resurrected somehow?
I honestly may have missed this, but didn’t Hela destroy Mjolnir in Ragnarok? Did it get resurrected somehow?
the coma seasons are best in a single sitting (or so). i had some time this year.
I’m a coma seasons defender, for the most part. I thought Dreamland was an interesting experiment that mostly worked. Danger Island was fun. I ended up missing 1999, though.
It’s great to see them back, and I agree that they really are “back”.
I find your lack of Old Bay...disturbing.
Your comment has caused pandemonium in our household. Well played.
Best comment ever!!!
“You Fell Victim to One of the Classic Blunders”
You never go in against a caecilian when death is on the line.
Over the weekend, Twitter was laser-focused on a “news” story that only a platform like Twitter could provide and…
If both break the law, then what’s the difference?
Yeah, but at Chick-fil-A the hate is prepared fresh daily so you can really taste the difference.
Starfleet Admrial: Captain Janeyway your new ship.
I vote for Ian Mckellan. Something about the idea of the guy who played Gandalf, portraying the guy who played Saruman seems awesome to me.
I mean, they already made a pretty famous movie about that organization titled The Bridge On The River Kwai.
Titled Charlemagne: By the Sword and the Cross, which won the “Spirit of Metal” award from the 2010 Metal Hammer Golden Gods ceremony.
Yet it is real!
I.....don’t think I’ve ever felt so inadequate.....
You ever have that one friend who goes around and literally has something to say because, “he totally did it” one time or “Yeah I know that guy”
I knew he was an amazing man but seeing all of that written down in one place... wow. Talented, intelligent and crazy lucky to run into all those historically important people at random times in his life.