
Yes, but only the ones in Paradise.

Forgot: Buffet also owns some nifty Florida retirement villages.  He's worth a bit.

You’re not wrong. It almost has the energy of FIREFLY, the connections between the characters are hilarious.

Jimmy Buffet owns a chain of Medical Cannabis shops in Florida. They’re not my first choice but I love the t-shirt. It has a surfboard on it.

Case? That stuff came in entire cases?

There’s not enough yuck in the world. /Cordelia in Angel

Young people who ran out of weed.

Yes, I also have fond memories of B&J wine coolers. It's the beverage choice for people who dislike the taste of alcohol.

Jessica Walters does the voice-overs, I meant.

Pretty sure that’s Jessica Walters, voice of Malory Archer in this series...

Does that make it taste like bay leaves when it’s cooked?

Llocusts are Kosher, did you know?

Don't vote for the Face Eating Leopard Party, then.  

Ttilapia tastes like grass.  You can have mine.

Never butchered a mammal but I’ve been present at many a hog killing. I can clean anf fillet fish, open clams and oysters, clean shrimp and most seafood creatures except for lionfish. I leave them alone.

Guess I need to watch it again.  I failed to make that connection.

BTB* is expensive.

BTB has low sodium versions.  Those are what I use.

Discarding any oil in a storm drain pollutes an acre of water per quart of filthy oil.

Absolutely not.