
They refer to mass shootings specifically.

Most mass shooters, like serial killers, are white.

Most mass shooters, like serial killers, are white.

It’s not racist to observe that an overwhelming majority of mass murderers are white since it’s true.

It’s Kid Rock who wrote that crap about the singer. He is WHITE.

The DC sniper was just trying to off his ex-wife. He assassinated all those random strangers in order to cover up that murder.

Damn straight, she’d LOL. .

Only one of the mass shootings since Trump stole the election has had a non-white shooter.

I’m a (liberal) white Southerner & I find it this both germane & hilarious. 😏

Took me a moment, too.

Bet she finds it hilarious.  Betty White has a fantastic sense of humor.  

Phil Hartman died May 1998...nearly a lifetime ago.

Even when I was a wee lass I knew the names of Mel Blanc & June Foray.

What a disgusting thought.

Dunno about the rest of you folks, but my tolerance for GOP asshats lecturing me about behavior is running low, especially as it comes from a guy whose father raped his mother. As if any of them know how to act in public or private.

Donald is a fat arse.

Donald is a fat arse.

It’d be faster & less expensive to build a wall around the hoofwanking bunglecunt. If we went ahead and made it soundproof, that’d be great.  🙂

Carbonated water is an acid, no surprise it burned.  

Thus keeping you on your toes... 😁  🖖