
What about us iced coffee drinkers? I honestly cannot remember the last time I drank a Coke or Pepsi. Actually, I preferrer RC Cola to either but I cannot get it in my area.

Godwin himself suspended the Godwin rule because Trump & white supremacists (aka neonazis).  

The dog that played the role of Isis was elderly and ill. If you were familiar with dog behavior you’d have noticed her deterioration onscreen. It had nothing to do with the terrorist group.

So many people who don’t understand a marketing decision.  What's more delicate than a snowflake?

Wasn’t that the intent of the first comment?

Depends. Are they sugar-free?

Just here for the HoRATIO.

Measles has not been eradicated. It’s endemic in Africa, South America, India Pakistan the Middle East and parts of China.

According to the CDC, 3 MILLION people, adults and children, die each year worldwide from preventable diseases.

According to the CDC, 3 MILLION people, adults and children, die each year worldwide from preventable diseases.

Also illegal and in this state parents are prosecuted for manslaughter for nocar seat and no seat belt.

Kids. Won’t. Wear. Masks.

Kids. Won’t. Wear. Masks.

Unvaccinated children wear masks and gloves.

Unvaccinated children wear masks and gloves.

Mumps  causes sterility, not measles.

One suspects those “deaths” are fine with Poodletime as long as they aren’t their child, no matter how many children die or become disabled as a result.

One suspects those “deaths” are fine with Poodletime as long as they aren’t their child, no matter how many children die or become disabled as a result.

My cousin was born handicapped in the era before vaccines because of rubella. His mother caught it when she was pregnant with him. Jimmie was born deaf as a result, but he was lucky not to be blind and retarded in the bargain.

My cousin was born handicapped in the era before vaccines because of rubella. His mother caught it when she was pregnant with him. Jimmie was born deaf as a result, but he was lucky not to be blind and retarded in the bargain.