That is not the guest bedroom.
That is not the guest bedroom.
That is not the guest bedroom.
That is not the guest bedroom.
Those are lapcats.* All cats are not of the lapcat variety. Cats are sometimes side cats or floor cats or don’t touch me cats or I’ll shred you like a Cuisineart cats. Lapcats are a distinct subspecies. Appreciate them while you have them. They’re very nice.
Sweet large cat on your lap that will move when you need to pee and return when you get back from the bathroom is a win. Sadly, my darling 21.5 lb Jet died 2 years ago but he was a wonderful Florida winter companion. *sigh* He’d move whenever a bathroom trip was necessary and hop back up as soon as hands were washed.…
Sweet large cat on your lap that will move when you need to pee and return when you get back from the bathroom is a win. Sadly, my darling 21.5 lb Jet died 2 years ago but he was a wonderful Florida winter companion. *sigh* He’d move whenever a bathroom trip was necessary and hop back up as soon as hands were washed.…
Reports from the scene indicate it was all ice cold and disgusting.
Blah blah blah yeah, I voted for Obama both times and Hillary Clinton, too. So did quite a number of my white educated female friends.
Blah blah blah yeah, I voted for Obama both times and Hillary Clinton, too. So did quite a number of my white educated female friends.
It is an undershirt.
Yes, it’s wrong.
According to his daughter Rosanne, Johnny Cash died prematurely. He failed to look after his diabetes and would have lived longer had he taken his meds and monitored his blood sugar. It was a deliberate slow suicide.
Redd Foxx died with his boots on.
Dyou see your brain?
He graduated from Julliard. He is indeed learned.
Apparently Gaga can act. Madonna can’t act. Both can sing.
PETA say that no animals should be in zoos, even those extinct in the wild. That kind of thinking would have led to hundreds of species being lost already.
I’m allergic to peppermint. No, thanks, you can have mine.
Stir the container and heat it again.
Lipton makes good iced tea but it makes dreadful hot tea, I can attest to this. I no longer drink iced tea but Lipton’s what we always used back in the day. It’s made to brew iced tea from hot tea and have ice added.