I’m sure the licensing would make it a nightmare, but I’d love to see the original Buffy game brought back, if not as a remaster, at least as a backwards-compatible (and digitally purchasable) title for XB1/XBSX.
I’m sure the licensing would make it a nightmare, but I’d love to see the original Buffy game brought back, if not as a remaster, at least as a backwards-compatible (and digitally purchasable) title for XB1/XBSX.
All lives matter. Equally.
I wish I could say I was disappointed, but the eva movies have been a nonsensical mess that’s only getting worse.
Looks like rain.
I blame Tom Nook for this shit.
I think Nintendo gets away with a lot that other other publishers or console makers would get rightly castigated for.
What’s the temperature like where you live? Little guy might have been cold.
Gamefreak pulling a last decade Capcom (or recent EA).
200 more Pokemon being added in a $30 expansion pass.
They took them out, to resell them to us.
What a time to be alive.
I forgot you could rent those too lol.
A true Christmas miracle!
Do you know what I do when the plane lands? Nothing. I sit there and relax while all the busy bees trip over themselves and get angry and work their blood pressure up trying to get two minutes ahead of each other, and when they’ve finished I leisurely stand up, grab my things, and saunter casually off. It is not…
RIP. Happy trails to eternal Dreamland.
Jesus Christ, don’t call people “boss.” It reveals you as a person who isn’t clever enough to be manipulative in a subtle manner.
Yeah, the charge moves were always the biggest tell. I can grudgingly accept that the AI can pull off four perfect inputs in four frames, but Guile pulling a flash kick out of a forward walk or Blanka launching directly into a roll from a forward walk was always clear evidence that they weren’t playing by the same…
(cites no place with actual free cheeseburgers)
Well, then this console truly replicates the original Genesis experience!