
I am a rejected by the general public C-5 Galaxy. I saw one take off at the old Stapleton airport after “they” loaded some sort of rockety type Martin-Marietta labeled object onboard. It was far quieter at takeoff than I had expected for a military aircraft.

As a corollary, when I wash my vehicle in the dead of winter to keep the DOT applied mag-chloride from further rusting my already rusty rustbucket, it signals the start of a below zero coldspell. I end up uselessly tugging on my now frozen drivers side door first thing the next morning.

Yes, if only to get rid of the brake dust coated front wheel look.

I will concede that my heap stays clean for a stunningly short time after I wash and wax..

If I wash and wax my vehicle, it will apocalyptically rain/snow/hail within 24 hours.

Just think, Jalopnik could scoop this, release a bunch of pics early and have two of the big three pissed at them...

That review of the Prowler better godamm happen, no teasing us.

I state that people wanting to buy performance cars proves Jalopnik is driving the market in the direction it's currently going. Good on ya', Jalopnik!

I agree. I don’t need anyone to check how good my parking skills are, just trust that I can slot my car into any little spot, using my bumpers as feelers, not bothering to check my blind spots for any little kids, cuz nobody dies at two miles an hour, right?

Friends are those people who haven't talked to you in 3 years, but the second they hear you drive a truck, call you to help them move. Or dispose of a body.

I would do this, but in the winter, get stuck in the Dolomites, never make it to Polermo, and be a ski bum in northern Italy the rest of my life. Not a bad way to go.

My fave detail, this machined aluminum casting. I used to be a pattern maker/machinist/CAD guy, and understand at least some of the complexity involved. Not a part you'd pick up at Pep Boys.

Waze should make these locations public knowledge in their app...

This thing should go on some kind of top ten list of cars that haven't changed much since the beginning of the model line...Lada still makes this thing, right?

I like part where the instant regret hits the driver at the apex of his flight.

Someone tell Mayweather, it would add some legitimacy to his collection...

Awesome, I'd show if it was in-state...come heck or high water. I've see reports of these meet-ups in prior years, and would love to be at one.

Doug, my hope for you is that you'll find a car that makes you so happy you won't care if it breaks, you'll just do anything to get it running again.

I'm pushing it, I'm pushing it REAL good....

And with decent gas mileage if your foot isn't in it all the time. I hear they have improved in turning left and right these days too.