
Ok, so what do you suggest we do? Allow China to continue its expansion into the S. China Sea, build up military bases on these islands, asert it’s dominance in the area completely, control trade, and then let them fuck us for the next 100 years because we want everyone to play nice?

What I don’t get about this commentary is the constant narrative the war with China will be bad and the U.S. shouldn’t antagonize them, but war with Russia will be good and the U.S. should defintely stand up to them because of Ukraine and the Baltics. How does that work? Both conflicts would be a disaster.

I always go to sarcastic car web sites for deep and probing analysis on for foreign policy.

And now for someone who has a car that would fall under this buyback but is scratched, damaged modified or so forth, they may get rejected....and why, because a few people tried to scam the system.

Are you sure that’s not a Toyota? Because I’m pretty sure it has a JZ inside.

Now everybody act upset that troops are supporting their commander.

I can’t stand Trump, but I have to say the complete and utter hysteria from the American Left in recent weeks has been highly satisfying.

The saltiness is palpable! Num num num num!

I know, right??? Nothing like a mindless cult of personality around a political leader to get ye olde fascism alarms ringing.

Ferrari needs to make more mainstream cars so we can relive the greatness that was the 400A and Mondial.

It doesnt take much to get you guys all riled up, does it? Breach of protocol? yes. poor taste? yes.

settle down there, gunpowder. The regurgitated trump nazi shtick is so unoriginal.

No disagreement, and I do hope these knuckleheads get a disciplinary whooping for it, but the invocation of “Nazi Germany”, even when paraphrasing an activist group’s opinion, is just sensationalism exemplified...

Finally, someone who can actually think for themselves and not freak out. Of course, these posts will never make it to the top of the comments due to the lack of Trump-bashing

Oh dear! Members of the armed forces are showing support for a president they actually like! What ever will we do!

Kind of makes you wonder if the same thing would have been news had they been flying a flag with Obama’s name on it.

@canadianmoose said “showing support” he did not say serving. Big difference. If there was an Obama flag a year ago it wouldn’t have been an issue.

Incited exactly the reaction they were hoping for. The salt flows so easily these days.

Sort of like how her older brother and her dad, also both American citizens, were executed in a drone strike while Obama was in office?