I had never noticed the tops of the rear doors before. You’ve ruined that car for me. Thanks.
I had never noticed the tops of the rear doors before. You’ve ruined that car for me. Thanks.
We can’t buy them up there and bring them here without a special exemption from Volvo North America in the form of a letter. It’s a real PITA to do so. Sad trombone.
No need to vent on him.
My state is currently in a recession, with fewer jobs every year and ever increasing crime, homelessness and chemical dependency rates. I already called my reps in Congress and asked them to not lose their focus on the actual American citiczens that voted for them in the first place.
Curious, if it is “illegal as fuck” as you say, then how did Carter get away with it?
Really, wow, fascinating... thanks so much for sharing with the rest of us your political views Insomniac employees. You truly are changing the world, with your faux outrage over the top hyperbole, now get back to work.
Lyft was also accepting rides at JFK during this time with no surge. Doing exactly the same thing.
Well, when you’re really heavy you have to deal with these types of problems. If he were 8 feet tall and his head kept wearing out the headliner, would anyone expect Hyundai to keep replacing the headliner?
Exactly. And I’m glad Uber picked people up. It should remind everyone of the freedom of thought we enjoy in this country and the fact that your priority and interests don’t have to be everyone else’s. You’re not an evil person for supporting this ban and you’re not an idiot for protesting it. As soon as we start…
The very same countries had the same bans 8 years ago from the Obama administration.. no one gave a damn then why now? Is it because Trump pisses people off? Good maybe all these people will grow up, and actually fix the issues of our country instead of burning our American flag like our enemies do.
Actually citizens of the 5 countries with the largest populations of Muslims can still enter the country.
Forget Italy, Germany, etc... It doesn’t apply to any of the most populous Muslim majority countries, ie, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt, etc. Why? Those countries have mostly functioning governments who cooperate with our Visa review system. The seven countries included were those countries the Obama…
It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.
What Muslim ban? Muslims from Italy, Germany, etc. can still enter the country.
I love how everyone jumps on this alternative facts thing when that is pretty much all the media ever gives.
Neutral: Overproduction?
Actually, its rich people, not the government, that pay for the Affordable Care Act. Its enactment led to a surplus because of the extra taxes on the wealthy, which is why its repeal would increase our deficits. Extra military spending without a corresponding increase in taxes, on the other hand, would cause our…
When you say partisan news networks, is that similar to all of the news networks that only contained articles about Trump’s hurtful words instead of Clinton’s acts of treason? The same ones that had Clinton winning the election by 10%? Are those similar? Or do they not fit your agenda?
Exactly my thoughts. No revs on the start line. And the funny thing is the only advantage it got was from those 2 failures on Veyrons part.
Meh...why is the Bugatti running in high downforce configuration with wing fully extended?......bullshit race. Veyron FTW.