
mildly changing an article you JUST posted earlier today... hmm

more fake news and including polls which said 90+% that hillary would win

jesus christ youre a moron.

You idiots are contradicting yourselves based on your beloved obama speech from 2016. He referred to many european countries as “free riders” and was very critical of how many fell short of the 2% GDP spending on defense. #fakenews

Felton is up to 5 anti uber articles in 7 days......

THIS ^. Felton has done 4 articles on Uber since 3/16 alone and mentioned 1 other time in a completely unrelated article. Either he is really butthurt or his sole job is to shit on Uber.

Its only free speech if you follow their agenda. Anti-trump and anyone who even murmured support of trump.

Its all speculation at this point but my money is on them relaxing emissions and cafe standards to align with Euro standards.

GM makes shit cars. Cobalts have the same issue with interior handles breaking off. Toyota Camrys with handles breaking off on the drivers door.

It does exist for consumers already. You can buy them for tractors and have been able to for a few years. They have become somewhat popular for skid steer’s. IIRC they are a few grand to equip one with tweels but they NEVER have a machine down from a flat again. Which if youre a big business costs you thousands and

2nd Gear: “Many buyers already are stretched to the limit, as dealers increasingly rely on seven-year and sometimes even eight-year loans to help fit monthly payments into customers’ budgets.”

Yes. and this bill is also the similar mindset. “impact” is impact on the environment due to driving a much more pollutant vehicle. If you dont replace the car with a newer “cleaner” car then you’ll get taxed.  20 years is also the cutoff for not requiring emissions testing.

the “new” foxtrot alpha is too politically biased to be able to make up its mind.  

per the 2010 census Wayne county is 52.3% white and 40.5% african american. City of Detroit is 10.6% white and 82.7% african american.

Wayne county (which is where Detroit is) voted 66.78% FOR Clinton.

They already have created one. Currently Tesla uses 18650 cells. Tesla/Panasonic are going to develop future cars to use 2170 cells which are the highest energy density on the market. They could potentially create a 120kw pack that is barely larger than the current 100kw pack.

people like you are going to solidify republicans controlling everything for the next 8.

x100 jalopnik is a fucking joke now. god forbid any of their “writers” be a trump supporter.

If Beyonce is having twins shouldnt it be called Beytwice?

100% correct. Jalopnik gave the people stripping TDI’s their 15 min of internet fame and brought big attention to the issue.