Lets hope Tesla wins Michigan next.
Lets hope Tesla wins Michigan next.
lmao thank you!
Based off that moronic statement you must not know a single border patrol officer and likely not even a police officer.
I personally know and have family that are police officers, border patrol officers, and Secret Service. Many many times people who cant pass border patrol boot camp fall back on going for a police…
I am fortunate enough to have a co-worker that has a dealer account with Manheim auctions. Thats how i got mine so cheap. 5 of my co-workers are now using me as a guinea pig to determine if they are going to go after a 500e as well. Real world mileage in the temps we have had lately are in the 80's. I dont take…
Simply is a blown air ride compressor. happens somewhat often on range rover and navigators. especially heavy salt areas.
it is ballsy but off lease 500e prices are so low i couldnt justify NOT buying one. I got mine for just under 6k shipped from socal. My next car will be an off lease model s. once prices dip below 30k ill jump on a tesla. The 500e is more of a personal experiment to see if i can live with an EV on a daily basis and…
The initial burst of charge stations was very favorable tax credits the state of Michigan was giving businesses that installed them. Thats why DTE did multiple free of charge stations around detroit metro and at the airport. I would gladly pay a fair price to plug my car in at public places but at this point i really…
The infrastructure is abysmal in metro detroit. for instance detroit metro airport has 12 charging stations and 19000 parking spots. Ann Arbor garages have 1-4 charging stations per garage. I am in the minority with a EV and i have yet to go to a place with a charge station available or a spot open.
A shit video game developer just changed my entire political view. roll eyes
You people do realize a large % of Uber drivers drive for Lyft also. This delete uber fad is fucking stupid. Both companies were accepting requests at JFK during this. The surge pricing is not a man sitting at a computer pushing a button. Its a F*ing algorithm based on the requests vs drivers in the area.
Cars are going to be designed to fit the 95th percentile of size and weight. His weight is apparently causing this issue. That’s not a warrant-able issue nor is it a defect. His weight is the defect. They replaced it twice for him already. I stand behind Hyundai on denying any further warranty replacement on that part.
actually the Obama State Department stopped processing all Iran refugees for 6 months in 2011. I didn’t see protests happening in 2011
Simply look at the regulations compared to EU standards. They are vastly different.
Did you read the EO? it says nothing about “christians”. It talks about giving minority religions in the banned country a priority processing.
“Affordable” Care Act only helped certain people. For instance my father in-laws monthly cost for health insurance went up to $3000 per month and my mother in-law $1800 per month once obamacare started. its a highly flawed system that needs to be revised heavily.
Michael here is the actual technical specs for the car.
This very site is adding to it. 4 hours ago an article with a clickbait headline regarding the Tesla “destroying” the FF time. smh
its empty after work hours because the people who have the money to spend there dont want to get stabbed or robbed.
incorrect. toyota is moving many employees to Plano but not the “entire” office. My neighbor works in the michigan office and she said its staying open. (for now)
man the democrats will latch onto anything they can that is negative on trump and scream “impeach!”