
The forte5 SX may not be a great handling car but they put down some solid power with a stage 1 tune.

please please please bring that here!

There are already parts VW is populating into ETKA for these cars...

Either CARB is being high and mighty about this or VW was very vague on the level of detail they gave them for making the cars compliant.

murca that’s why... we lead innovation lol

Wow! I would take this over any of the other OEM "offroad" trucks offered. looks amazing... well done nissan

The forester is only ~200lbs more than a wrx. A well setup FXT is just as good as a wrx. I have owned a 04 WRX, 05 FXT, and an 06 LGT. My wrx had HKS coilovers properly setup and corner weighted. The FXT had D2 coilovers. LGT had tein springs and koni’s. I would take the FXT without question over the others. Sure it

Test mules and undisguised opel wagons have been rolling around metro Detroit for over 2 years now. I work very close to the GM proving grounds and these are not an uncommon sight.

Hold the boat.... The Saleen article was top story of the year yet its full of fabricated lies by people who have it out for Steve Saleen..... Not sure if its worthy of best story of the year. I attempted to allow the story to be set straight by reaching out to the author and getting him in contact with possibly the

Take a long look at the XJ220 and Porsche GT1.... that’s where Saleen took most of their chassis, aero, and suspension design from.

Great article!

Boo hoo hoo Hendrick cars.... frankly I find it a poor business decision to put all your eggs in a dealership with a 62k square foot facility and only sell ONE BRAND. Sounds like he is fishing for more kick backs from VW. If they honestly believed this would have been fixed by now someone needs to slap him in the face

Not sure what cars have exhaust routed like that post 2000 other than the McLaren SLR, and kind of the G55/63 (even though it exits under the passenger door). What other post 2000 cars had side exit/fender exit exhaust.

came in to post this.... :thumbsup:

I regularly see 2x BMW State police BMW's on my drive to work. I love seeing them and they always pull people over for trying to block them from driving on the median in heavy traffic.

Don’t be upset just yet. A little birdie told me a engine design/testing facility in Ann Arbor is working with FCA for a performance model of the Dart. I still have hopes there will be a GLH/SRT Dart.

From the updates I've been reading from people within dealers this only effects a handful of cars on lots. Seems to be mainly cars already sold. One dealer stated they had a 300 car inventory and only 12 were effected.

I hope you didn’t get an N20 bmw. The heads crack on those but BMW refuses to acknowledge that problem even though they know its happening. “Were handling this in house now.”

Came here to post this....

I totally agree they have made massive improvements vs the old gm. I have had seat time in the CTS V-sport and the ATS 2.ot. I liked them and thought they were the best euro competitive cars they have. Its hard to explain but I felt everything was just a little bit lower quality and not as well built as the bmw, merc,