I hope that didn’t read as snarky! I was agreeing with you. I saw the headline and thought “Yikes!”
I hope that didn’t read as snarky! I was agreeing with you. I saw the headline and thought “Yikes!”
Yes,this was certainly queued to post at a really...unfortunate..time.
who the fuck else would it be?
like i said... im a fuckin idiot
Somehow beyond all reasoning this joke refuses to ever get old. Well done, sir.
This is depressing. When we’ve only made 6% progress in 239 years, what hope do we have of achieving a colorblind society in our lifetimes?
Big deal. Just do what 90% of Americans do and watch the games through the updates to your fantasy teams.
Worked in direct mail for a long time. So many cases where UPS (or any of the carriers) would just slap the label that fell off on a similar box and send it on it’s merry way.
You must be confused. They’re very clearly black and blue.
What? Those uniforms are white and gold.
Bruce had only insured the package for roughly one third of its cost to Dahm in order to save himself money on shipping and customs costs.
I saw two rats eating the chunks of someone’s vomit on the platform at Broadway/Lafayette. #dropsmic
I was on the Green Line in Boston in 90s, when some smelly old dude with broken glasses waved hello, ignored him like all the other passengers. As I go back to reading, the guy tried to reach over and give me an open mouth kiss.
So this one time when I hopped on the 6 train heading downtown in rush hour, my wife and I walk into the train car to find that the end of the train car is cleared out because a smelly homeless guy is sleeping in the two person seat on the end. Now, if you’ve ever ridden the 6, you’ll know how jam packed it is during…
Mine isn’t necessarily gross but it is very disturbing. It happened two years ago while riding from Beacon Hill to downtown Seattle on a hot, crowded bus. A middle-aged woman I was sitting started touching my arm and telling me how much she liked my tattoos. I gave her a cold thanks and put my headphones in. A few…
“usually reasonable burlap sack full of rancid Peeps...” -do you lie awake at night thinking of these? They are simply epic and may get me through the next year with these asshats.
It’s not so much a problem with the uniform colors. It’s that neither team wore white. Home vs Alternate uniform games run this risk. If one team just used their road whites, this would have been avoided.
I have red-green colorblindness, the problem is best explained as one of desaturation. There’s not enough pop on some shades of red or green. Add in factors like smaller or distant screens, tired eyeballs and it’s a mess. What really fucks it up here is both teams are wearing white helmets.