Exactly. This guy is the equivalent of a ‘protestor’ showing up in Ferguson with a “WHAT ABOUT TOWER 7?” sign. He's grafting himself on to someone else's cause.
Nothing. Zero things have happened to you. Trump activists were born and raised in an anti-empathy-producing-event bubble.
enlarged pee-spattered Sno-Cone and presidential candidate
I used to dig Weezer and I’ll still pull out Pinkerton every so often, but the band has NOT aged well and Cuomo has just gotten weirder and weirder. They’ve become this very strange parody of themselves.
Symbolic revalorization of language is a helluva drug. Also this woman probably has a stroke anytime an automated messaging system requests that she push [number] for English.
This whole situation is fucked up, but the use of the phrase “desirable children” in the Times article, strikes me as being off. Wouldn’t teenagers or young adults been better terms? Just wondering...
I’m so glad, for so many reasons, that social media was in like MySpace infancy when I was in high school.
Note to self: shred, then BURN.
And hell, there’s a botched butt in the AD. Look how much bigger one side is than the other!
No idea what they actually DO, but their service is listed as “non-sergical” (sic).
His instructions to the barber: I’d like a cut that really emphasizes my ears.
Opinions from the past, signs from the future!
mmm, abortion
I love that in her mugshot, she looks like she was crying. Bitch, you don’t get to cry when you smash someone in the face with glassware. Fuck you.
VW Vanagon Syncro. Because 4x4 Van ruggedness.
Seemingly referring to transgender people, he called men wearing women’s clothing “an abomination” according to Deuteronomy.
A couple of reports state that the husband was similarly incensed at the Swahili language crime against humanity taking place at the other table.
Or perhaps two people with similar bigoted ideologies found each other and got married?