I think a part of any settlement should include a provision for Chris Christie to be quarantined for the remainder of his term.
I think a part of any settlement should include a provision for Chris Christie to be quarantined for the remainder of his term.
That is seriously the saddest story I've ever heard.
On the plus side: the kid probably is getting a fat settlement check, because the business owes him triple whatever it was supposed to pay him during the year. Labor law is not my area of specialty, but to my understanding (I am an attorney) employees are entitled to treble damages for any unpaid wages that the…
For a friend.
They were so, so close to not fucking this up, and then I got to the second to last paragraph.
because apparently New York has a character limit.
Hahaha what a dick.
But did you saburban
I gotta let my sister know about this. The one who works from home and brought in $6474 this - 4 weeks past :3
^This. I haven’t gotten a bike myself, but have thought very hard about it. Best way to commute in California. If I did so, I would not be doing it without the full get up. Don’t care if they’re plastered with brand names or not, it just needs to be safe.
No, they are clearly photoshopped.
Seriously man, did a rider bang your mom/sister/wife/fiance/girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/whatever? Get over your irrational hate of all things motorcycle.
Very effective. Just reading the phrase “which hole is the clit??” made my clit climb into my body to hide.
This cat in 5 years:
(Soon to be said by some clown who hates riders) But she was parked illegally in the middle of the road, and therefore holding up traffic, so she and the cat deserved to get clipped or maimed because they shouldn't be there.
Bikers are always going on about kitten safety trumping laws. Entitlement!
I wanted to put something like this in the article SO BADLY.
And she crossed NO yellow lines in the process. Kudos!