
We could start a kickstarter for an investigation to find out.

Are we SURE anything on Kickstarter has ever actually been finished? Ever?

Dude, that’s what doormats are for.

That evening, their neighborhood preacher came by and wanted to see the pics from the track meet.... “

My friend’s had a 4th of July party. 2 weeks later I was back at their house to drink. We were in the garage, I pulled my beer out of the lawn chair cupholder and took a big drink. It was not my beer, but a leftover beer from 4th of July

Once I accidentally took a sip from a beer bottle I thought was mine. Turns out, it was the one everyone was putting their cigarettes out in. It was not a good experience.

hey, NBC:

Why is gender such a sore spot for manly men?

That evening, their neighborhood preacher came by and wanted to see the pics from the track meet....

Ugh, the pube dare at the end reminded me of one of the worst dares I accepted. The dare itself wasn’t too bad. It was senior year in high school and there was a pep rally coming up for something or other. Being the involved student I was, I was part of the planning group for it. We decided to combine a wheelbarrow

God I hope my boss doesn’t read Deadspin

Noticing a trend of men doing (stupid) things for the attention of women.

Went to school in Montreal so a lot of events had bagels (Montreal has the best bagels in the world, and make New York bagels taste like wet cardboard).

At least the chewing tobacco distracted him from the awful Budweiser taste.


I was perplexed by that too. Maybe he was trying to indicate the emphasis was off? Like the customer was saying RO-tis-SARY instead of ro-TIS-sary?

I am flummoxed by this being a hate crime. Can hate crimes actually be committed against people/businesses who are um rich, cereal merchants? I am failing to recognize what his protected status he feels is being targeted. Importer of Life? Is he a Frosted Flake? I don’t know.

I just know that at some point before I die I'm going to see a package of hamburger with a warning label "Contains meat." and it's going to be because of one of these idiots.

John Boehner is the voice of... reason? That can’t be right.

It is. But sometimes people need to write stupid things about trending terms to get clicks.