
“the liberty candidate”

oh how this hits home

i don’t understand, i am a robot

2016 - 1993 = 25?

A single-payer system would require large tax increases; it would also mean that nobody would pay for private insurance anymore.

yes, i welcome the uprooting of the spanos family

for a long time, lip medex by blistex was my jam, but i don’t like that you have to apply it with your fingers (can be inconvenient depending on how gross/dirty your fingers are). i moved on to burt’s bees mainly bc i liked the smell, it really doesn’t do much for me either and i should switch back but what the hey.


lol great analogy

actually just cleaned it out yesterday, cheers!

I went on a search once at work for a packet of mustard and found one from Subway (with their old logo) and the mustard (visible on the other side) was literally black. Needless to say, I put it back in that drawer

It's like a neck testicle

Yup, we had season passes for fall-winter apertura ‘15 and I know we were not the only ones this side of the border with them.

I see what you did there...

A++++++++++++ takedown would read again

As a de facto and (very much a) fair weather SD fan, I agree with Deadspin’s editorial policy.

it already exists :-)

“wait (the kit kat song)”

i’d take a nap on the floor in one of the practice rooms before evening rehearsal

i make it a point to use my half-hour lunch break for a nap in my car. not sure how i did it for so long when it was parked on the street; i’d inevitably wake up with sweat just pouring down my face and neck. napping conditions have since improved: newer car, park in the parking garage now. con: people probably seeing