
This SAE 'chant' is more a traditional 'Strange Fruit' era ditty than anything to do with modern music, news people. Maybe that is why it makes everyone with a basic sense of decency feel appalled.

OMFG. Really, these white feminists!

" I also think that campuses should be doing more for the rape problem as well, and wish that punishment for rape was executed with the same briskness and severity."

"While the schools have their asses in gear about a prolific racism problem on campus, let's see what else they can accomplish." (emph mine)

So...your takeaway from one bright spot in a field of stories of black people being murdered in the streets for existing is to engage in non-intersectional oppression olympics? Way to be an ally.

Why is racism shutting down fraternities and not rape? Are they both not bad? Is one worse than the other? Why can't BOTH of these issues be tackled?

So her saying N****** over and over is ok because she is repeating a rap? It is a vile word that she is happily repeating. Who does this sh*t and thinks it is ok? That you seem to need to excuse this is foul. Change your online name, there is nothing godlike in your comments.

seriously. So tired of people looking for cookies when they haven't done shit.

The only people that are "shocked" that this is happening in 2015 are white people. The rest of us are like "eh, it's just another [insert day of the week]."

The case isn't about anyone being falsely accused. The school pressured the student's therapist at the school health center to provide improper care for her (the therapist came forward about this.) The school went through her therapy records to file a threatening countersuit against the student for the school's legal

After the student filed her suit, the university went through the student's therapy records prior to filing a countersuit against her. The student's therapist at the school health center came forward and revealed that, following the student's complaint, the school had pressured her to provide sub-standard care for the

Ordinarily, a judge decides what records either side can access if the victim doesn't consent. This sidesteps that process by providing the defense with all the records without oversight.

I HATE HATE HATE that we need the wrath of the internet before any sort of action is taken by large bodies- corporations, governing bodies, what have you. Its sick that this song was being sung and that "allegedly" everyone connected to the fraternity knew about it. I know we all say it, but its 2015 FFS! At least its

That same frat recently had a really racist party and a bunch of students protested on campus. It was some "illegals" theme or some shit like that.

What scares me is that these are our future CEOs, managers, politicians, policemen, etc., and yet people question why black people struggle in the job market. They question why black fraternities and sororities exist.

Not that I'm complaining, because quite frankly it warms my heart whenever racist dudebros get even a minute portion of the karma they deserve, but if we're shutting down Greek organizations for being racist, we should be shutting down damn well nearly all of the majority white sororities and fraternities that exist.

Police/other authorities have managed to take suspects in alive in more dangerous situations than what this sounded like.

But there were cops in NY who couldn't handle a sleeping 7-year-old girl so whatever.

This is the weirdest response. You claim to have this wisdom that comes with maturity, and then you share a story about how you turned a blind eye to your husband's CHILD PORN FETISH, and use that as your rationale for cheating on him. What part of this am I supposed to admire?

Wow, I have no idea how you stayed with your husband after you found him looking at child porn. I couldn't be with someone who contributed to the abuse of a child (having been a child around that age that was abused myself). I would be gone quicker than my fiancé could get out a "but!"

"But I'm also happy because they've found a way to make their commitment to each other work."

The problem with cheating is more than the act of having sex with another person. It's the lying, the deceitfulness, sneaking around, and treating someone you're suppose to love and have taken vows with like they don't matter. So, no, I have no empathy for people like that.