
Not to pile on, but it’s kinda not cool to make fun of a name just because it sounds funny to you—whether or not you eventually learn of its South African origins.

Amandla is a common South African name, it means Power in the Xhosa and Zulu language and was a protest call for blacks in the apartheid struggle. I used to think her name was silly too until I looked it up

I know, bro, it’s like you can’t even treat an Oscar-winning director speaking English as some amazing accomplishment without people thinking you’re being condescending.

Ranking these girls as 'much prettier' and 'evil freak' is incredibly counterproductive. Maybe you were "joking", but pro tip: jokes are funny.

the stench from the respectability politics of everything she and so many of the black people the news interviewed yesterday was vomit-inducing. one of the things the recent incidents of police brutality and protest have shown is the class issues we have in the black community that rarely come to light. we often rally

oh like these gangs?

The mother’s son was technically a criminal, as suicide is a criminal offense in this country.

Which still makes it, at best, ironic misogyny which still carries the danger of being taken in earnest by those who do think that way. Given the rampant sexism among community that consumes the product they’re currently shilling, I’d argue the joke was made in very poor judgment, and Renner, at the very least,

Yeah, and it’s not like they have legions of impressionable young male fans who might actually be inclined to think that way. Oh, wait...

Actually people gave him shit because his family got a lot of money for in reparation for slave to be free, and his family has been quite vocal against reparation for slaves descendant. But let rewrite why people were mad to make white people feel better about beeing shitty.

If you’re trying to say that there’s no difference culturally between a childhood/adolescence/young-adulthood where the world views you as a boy, and same where the world views you as a girl, I really can’t get with that. It isn’t true.


If this seems far-fetched to you then you have obviously not been to all corners of the internet. People do this ALL THE TIME.

OK. Well... let’s take it back a few steps?

As an immigrant you can shut the fuck up about how African American treat that flag.

Fuck off, this a flag for a country that enslave their ancestor killed and still is killing thousands and thousands of natives, a flag from the same country gunning them down like pigs. They can do whatever the fuck they want to do to it.

*shrugs* Agree to disagree then because I couldn’t care less who burns what unless they’re harming others.

Why no one? The students didn’t do anything wrong.

I don’t know the specifics of the law there, but I found this statement on the gofundme set up for her: The food was delivered in Health Department approved catering equipment like every other food delivery/caterer in the city. If true, I wonder how that makes it different than when I order a pizza and the guy who

I can get mad at the cops in this case. Wouldn’t it make more sense to see, if anyone has ever complained about the food, considering that she’s been doing this since 2005? By simply cutting out the red tape, you’d encourage more people to help those in need, even spontaneously. Maybe I’m naive, but that’s the way I