
But the UK had free tuition for years, recognising that education is a social good, and the Liberal Democrat party promised to vote against tuition fees then entered a coalition government with the Tory cunts, and voted in favour of tuition fees. So UK students were right to be pissed off.

Just FYI, there are probably some gals who would like to get laid abroad, but would prefer to do so with other gals, not guys . . . it couldn't be that hard to make these articles a little more inclusive, would it?

Do you plan on stalking and harrassing any of the people mentioning your live journal?

This! It’s so irritating when coupled people start advising about being single.

*Sigh* Fine. I just hope she won't be so quick to embrace racism and identity politics this time around.

If it has been addressed then this so-called “mob” wouldn’t have occurred in the first place. This is what happens when people point out problematic behavior and your reaction is to ignore the complaints.

Defending a fellow white person who has a pattern of racist comments and dismissing/banning POCs is a really bad look, especially taking into account your history with racist comments on Jez. Like, maybe butt out.

but way to get me to not support any of this shit or take it seriously even though I was pretty 100% on your side, by ironically acting like him and bullying my innocuous comment for no reason.

He’s had ample time to write an apology. Instead he immediately deleted all his LJ articles once he was. He’s not going to apologize because he doesn’t feel the need to. It’s clear he’s written extremely problematic things, and the evidence is there. I’m not comparing him to Hugo (many others aren’t as well) but if

So because nothing has happened in the past with dealing with problematic authors, fuck it? And a lot of people didn’t forget about Hugo or Doug, which is why this is being brought to attention. Neither one of them writes for Jezebel anymore (and from my understanding, Hugo built himself up as reformed from his past

Dude is a straight up misogynist, xenophobe, and racist. There’s not much else to know. Also insanely insecure about his writing – haven’t you noticed that? – as he should be, given that his only credential is having once managed a middling chain restaurant.

The livejournal was linked to his kinja username. Someone was googling him trying to pull up an old comment thread and stumbled on it. They were, understandably, disturbed. The tumblr is linked to the email that he posts on every BCO. So uncovering one led to looking into if there was anything else upsetting out

Yes because why should someone who’s being racist, classist, sexist and harrassing people be held account for his words and actions? As long as he’s making us laugh he can do what he wants!

Oh, big surprise. He’s a massive fucking asshole to anyone who barely disagrees with him about literally the dumbest shit (and important shit too, apparently). I’ve also seen him make the same humblebragging “My job is so cool I make dick jokes about candy bars lol” joke word-for-word on at least 3 different sites

Nobody in their right mind would let this woman teach students under 18. She needs to give up that dream like yesterday

I feel bad for black people who are going to have to vote for this repugnant family.

Firstly: Please change the word Prostitute to Sex Worker. Prositute is a slur. Sex Worker is used for scientific accuracy and an respect, by the UN, WHO many governments, and basically anyone who is’t anti-sex work or whorephobic.

That may be the most horrifying article I’ve ever read. “Although serious and despicable, this does not compare to a situation where a pedophilic child predator preys on an innocent child,” is a thing the judge actually said. How does it not compare? That is LITERALLY WHAT HAPPENED.

What’s always annoyed me is that Israel refuses to acknowlege the Armenian genocide due to their strategic relationship with Turkey, yet it is well-known that Hitler often referred to Europe’s indifference to the Armenian genocide as proof that no one would care if he exterminated the Jews.