I love this show! I think it is groundbreaking and amazing. That being said: I am so sad of their use of a racial slur against Roma people (I think S2E1) paired with a racist and stereotypical reference. It made me so sad! Anyone else noticed?
I love this show! I think it is groundbreaking and amazing. That being said: I am so sad of their use of a racial slur against Roma people (I think S2E1) paired with a racist and stereotypical reference. It made me so sad! Anyone else noticed?
I'm like 90% sure he comes to Jez just to be a sexist asshole. I've already had too many discussions with him about his willful stupidity.
I think I've seen them around before. Sigh, none it's "I'm a good mom!" And "this is why I don't talk about my parenting on the Internet!" Yes, you shitweasel, this is truly about you. You are the victim. Not the tiny boy you assault.
Blah blah blah 'Murica
....really? The Gitmo stuff, the unreported civilian children deaths...no wrongdoing? She saw something that was wrong and leaked it. Did she go about it in the wrong manner? Maybe, but it's not egregorious. Blindly calling her a traitor is stupid and weak. Nobody died from her actions.
Congrats, you're an abusive parent. Showing your kid not to be violent by being violent? Excellent strategy. That poor baby boy, why do you think he hits, when you show him that hitting is appropriate? And shaking? How old is he? I've seen one too many kids with fucked up vision from being shaken. But I don't think…
She was a whistleblower, which has basically become a crime under Obama with the stupid ass Espionage act being abused to death.
I'm far from an expert on this case or on the cost of hormone therapy or gender reassignment surgery on the Good Ol' American Taxpayer (barf), but I feel like we should have a slightly higher standard of care for our inmates, particularly non-violent offenders, than "it won't kill them."
Part of my issues with falling asleep have been having horrific things pass through my mind, and the other night, it was about capital punishment. It is absolutely unbelievable that it's still considered legally acceptable in the US, especially considering "cruel and unusual punishment." Can't it even be argued now…
... it kind of does? As I don't think "most" are actually against it...
Yes i did and the turn out was not great also that was two years ago and you do realize that the protests were mainly about the treaty rights and Bill C-45, i am talking about in 2015 and protest that focus on the missing girls and women. Basically all i hear from you is that it is too hard and too much work to change…
The government is only part of the problem. Those calling for more action, calling for an inquiry, are sadly in the minority. Canadians will say things about First Nations people that the would never say about other visible minorities. It's Canada's great shame.
There are over 2,000 murdered and missing Aboriginal women/girls and no-one really cares due to racism.
There is enough of the population that doesn't care to make it OK (to them) for Harper to say that and stay in power.
You may care, and I may care, but most people don't care. If they did something would be done.
So true. 2 soldiers are killed and we have a law within months to curb our rights and "fight terror" but 2000 missing or murdered First Nations women and the government doesn't give a fuck. Harper can barely shrug about it, he cares so little.
Canada is fucking AWFUL to Natives. I swear, peopel harp on the States for being racist but jesus fucking christ, it's atrocious up here.
As Canadians, they should be especially aware of Canada's atrocious past—and present— relationship with the Aboriginal peoples
I used to work in London. Shout out to all those "Bank Holiday Mondays" whatever they were.