
Looking through his channel its only showing Fallout 3 and Bastion speed runs. He probably played it before so he could find the fastest way possible but even then all I've seen is glitches and other quick step in order to achieve a fast play through but I really doubt this person treasured it.
Yes I'm basing this on

Count myself unimpressed. A game like this should be treasured and not sped ran! You miss everything an RPG as to offer and the main story is relatively short to begin with but why would you rush it just for some infamous stats?

Oh fuck off! This is ridiculous.

Idk if I can call this a mod but here is there server IP:

Now playing

I forgot about this and someone uploaded a video on here before that showed this on office. I wonder who...

Edit: Nevermind I found the video and it was Super Mario instead.

It probably would show up in console

Well maybe if they resurrected Time Splitters they wouldn't be in this mess. :p

This is terrible... it's just a filter.
Besides I couldn't get on the whole Apocalyptic Skyrim, it doesn't sit well and I feel like it would be betraying Bethesda/Fallout.

You're not very good at reading, are you?

I see this as a gimmick.
It tells me that it's a PSP clone that failed in the market and wants to be a PC.
Let's not forget we already have a streaming device and I don't think many people like the price or the product.
The few who have it might like it but those who don't would probably prefer twitch streaming than to

A netcode that works?

Someone said this to me and I thought it was a joke. Now I can't get my head around how he will work. Perhaps he eats everyone before the game has started? GG.

What are you smoking?
Can I have some?

I'm pretty sure I was watching her stream but she was playing Counter Strike Global Offensive and then decided to switch to Dota.
I kinda wish I watched more but this really sucks.
I'm glad guns don't exist here.

I still like my wallpaper

shhhhh I can't hear you.

But when it comes to FPS's it's all about frame rate.
You could look nice and may want to show off your work but I'm sorry to say I would like the fast responses in an FPS so I get an advantage in game.

I hate uPlay just as much as you, I wish I could just use steam and be done with it.
I own Blacklist and it's still sitting in its box unwrapped, I do wonder if I'll ever open it.
Watch Dogs was such a let down that I don't even want to play it anymore but I'm not too bothered since I paid half the release price for