I think I would fuck H. Jon Benjamin based on the appeal of his voice. And his dreamy eyes.
I need to start watching this show immediately.
Candy cigarettes?
I seem drawn to men with chronic back problems. In my experience, men will endure/push through almost ANY pain when it comes to sex. But YAY for more doggy.
Fuck, I really want a pet owl.
Have a guy suck on an Altoid or a Fisherman's Friend lozenge before going down on you. DO IT.
Power tools. Utility belts. Pencil behind the ear, black work boots, measuring/cutting wood, dudes. (Been doing theatre all my life and the sight of a stagehand has me.....fantasizing)
I did, too...and guess what? My photo stream was icloud enabled. Crap.
*everyone nervously checks their iphone settings*
I love bitch pudding!
twice removed.
Peaches Pancakes Golf
cue Rocky theme.
your comment made me think of this guy : )