
me three. Worst kisser ever.

I thought the true test of a sexy name is how it sounds when you call it out during sexyfuntime?

I don't mind other people's belly buttons, but I don't like anyone near mine. If you stick your finger in mine, I feel a sensation in the back of my throat and it just gets.....weird.

what about...performance anxiety?


I find that men (and women) love the smell of cookies and cakes, too. I wear a light body spray that smells like sugar cookies and get tons of "OMG you smell delicious" from friends and strangers. Which sometimes leads to a "I wanna eat you" comment and then it gets.......weird.

and by trees, you mean....

I have to choose between Benedict and Idris? NOOOOOOOOOOO.........Can I get out of the greys please?

holy shizz, I am cry-laughing.

Mr. Webby wrote me a collection of love letters on parchment paper with a calligraphy pen the first few years we were dating. I keep them in a box wrapped in ribbon and read them every once in a while. I'll treasure them always. There is nothing like the hand-written word.

unintentional—I swear!

that was me! Good memory! Ha. Oral didn't happen....he was nervous and we were dumb, college kids and he was was all around too-awkward.


yes but I can't out him...he's too sweet and still a friend of mine : )

cringing and wincing. WTF!!!

I guess, as another poster described it-like a pinky?

yikes! No : )

Had an awful crush on this fellow actor in college. He was a Senior, I was a Soph. We played opposite each other in a play and did the flirty, "Hey, I like you" thing. He was very popular, so I ASSUMED he'd had girlfriends/sexy time before. We made out in his dorm room for a bit and things were progressing…when he