Charlotte Grote


How the HELL have we gone this far without having a Mario game where the main villain is DARK LUIGI?

My original yearbook quote was something by Kurt Vonnegut, but then are yearbook committee lost all the files with the senior's information so we had to quickly resubmit everything. It was almost Christmas so, taken in by the feeling of festive cheer, I went for:

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the only correct way to play Zoo Tycoon.

It's almost like they were obligated to or something.

Ah, then it was probably the same for me. I was just so absorbed in that I didn't have the capacity to even register that.

You did? I got a bleep.

It's nice that, after that awkward night with Peggy, he got to clear the areola.

It's impossible to read "where we saw pirate films and the Lone Ranger and the old Flash Gordon, with the Mud Men coming out of the walls, and we all had a great, great
time" in his voice and not be absolutely delighted. I can just picture every syllable of "Mud Men!"

Yeah, I think Don was calling the wrong person the devil tonight. Cooper was giving off some serious Lucifer vibes during his talk with Don. Though Robert Morse always gives me a bit of that feeling.

Ghost Lane slams a slab of steak against his crotch during the big meeting while Don tries to get him to stop without the partners seeing.

Who cares!

A hot dog roll?

By far my favorite line. He was so surprised by that revelation too! Also, for a guy who likes monsters that he gets to see change in front of him, he sure doesn't like seeing his mom go from loving to cold like that.

Sonia, you mention that you don't know why Peggy is angry, but I thought it was pretty clear that she's still majorly pissed at Don for a) screwing her out of that Cleo ad (remember, it's credited to Ted's dead partner) and b) being a general ass to her all last season because of her closeness to Ted. She may

So is this "no drinking in the office" the final piece of the "fuck your 60s nostalgia" attitude Wiener has been pushing even moreso in the last 4 seasons?

It's actually the beginning of the movie

I agree with you about AJ, with the exception of (spoiler?) his attempted suicide, which I think he really ran up to the net with.

Yeah, her performance here deserves several Emmys. Best Supporting Actress for certain, but lets throw in Best Daytime Talk Show too.

"Happy Valentine's Day. I love you."