Charlotte Grote

Another big problem I found with it, besides being out of character, was the way it was presented as being rape for the sake of punishment, almost as a proxy for the audience's own feelings. Leading up to this, Cercei is telling Jamie that he must kill Tyrion, a character that we all love. In response, he says "You're

"Caaaaan't you see that I'm much sweeter? IIIIIII, your little sen-ur-rit-er."

Them using the barber chairs to keep going up and up and up is brilliant. And that entire ending! What a perfect self contained short.

Ha ha ha. Veeery funny.

I liked Wind Waker before I was cool.

Woah, Ghost Trick was three years ago? Seems so much more recent. I still haven't played Duel Destinies yet but the Ace Attorney series is near and dear to my heart, so totally agree with Shu Takumi. In the meantime, I make due with googling pictures of him and his dog, the IRL Missile, all of which are adorable.

Seems like Guardians of the Galaxy is already doing this, but I would have loved a B-movie cheapo picture about The Great Lakes Avengers with MODOK as the villain. They can recreate the thing from the Iron Man TV show where MODOK is disguised as a baby! And a depowered Loki (because Doctor Doom's rights haven't come

It's pretty long for a Sunday morning, but not bad. The sermon gets a little preachy.

Twilight is mostly centrist with a classical liberal mindset, but doesn't really associate with any minorities and makes a lot of uncomfortable jokes about them at parties. She mentions that Zecora is her friend, like, a lot whenever the subject is broached, and it's starting to annoy everybody.

Yeah I completely missed that, especially since just a little awhile ago he was at Tree Trunk's wedding and seemed exactly the same.

And, of course, I'm not even Greek Harehound.

You're an asshole McGruffy.


Okay, here's a rulebook for you:

It's the opposite of a blue shell!

Oh Cookie. You broke my heart and then you fixed it and made it even better!

Well that's because, as far as I know, using the wrong pronoun for African Americans, gays, and lesbians doesn't invalidate their existence. African Americans, gays, and lesbians aren't called "it," "thing," "shemale," "he-she," "tranny," or are just plain misgendered by national media outlets on the rare occasion

Joke's on you! Why do you think The AV Club switched to NuDisqus? Because every comment goes directly into a gigantic NSA database dedicated to finding 25 year old nurses with ties to Doku Umarov! YOU'RE PART OF THE SYSTEM NECKBEARD! LIKE YOUR FATHER BEFORE YOU!