Charlotte Grote

This One Weird Twerk Is The New Sexual Fetish For Young Sexy Men

My favorite real film school quote: orientation, making idle chit-chat with a girl in my same major.

*Charles Bronson ejects the Taxi Driver tape from his VHS player*

And if we count Prometheus, it continues to this day!

I didn't agree to this! When do I get to renegotiate my contract?

"Best Game Console:

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: democracy just doesn't work."

The Future Is Wild is fucking nuts! I have it on DVD and I remember pouring over it as a kid. The whole thing with the various squids may be the craziest part though. The Rainbow Squid and the Megasquid and the Squibbons and the Flish and the Sharkopath. Man, that must have been a fun show to write for.


I'm skeptical of this whole idea of a major game crash akin the the 1983 one. The main reason that crash happened was because of the over saturation of game systems that flooded the market in the wake of the Atari 2600. If anything it's kind of the opposite now, with so limited choices of platforms in terms of


I think it's valid to do so. This is an extreme example of course, but you could easily review something like the Virtual Boy based only on the gameplay experience separate to the games themselves. With the modern console market, and the focus on more and more integrated design interfaces, I think a review on just how

That's our Great-Grandpa Spacemonkey Mafia! Does he still carry an onion on his belt?

"Don't be racist. It's because they all want heroin."

Once again Peter Jackson shows himself adept at making fantastic scenes in otherwise bloated films, and Bilbo's initial meeting with Smaug before it devolves into dwarven madness was gripping and powerful. Proof that sometimes words are better cinematic tools then a river of molten gold.

And the voice acting is top notch.

They blew it

Jesus, baby, there's just this one other thing
A ring
And I don't mean out of thorns

STUFF YOU, that's my name!