Charlotte Grote

I'm pretty sure the younger generation gets how animation works just as much as any other generation? I mean, the reasons you don't see those specials and in-production trailers anymore are because they're usually just on the DVD bonus features. And it doesn't exactly take Albert friggan Einstein to figure out that

See also: Into The Woods fans who did a Jr. version of the show when they were young and missed the entire second act.

Yeah, that one got a big laugh from me.

"Let's see who Don Draper REALLY is!"

It may be a little thick, but I think it's worth it for the kids playing house and showing what their home lives are really like. "I like sleeping on the couch!" "I don't like your tone."


But wither Takis?

Agent Coulson needs to swallow more people whole to copy their powers! The real mastermind behind HYDRA? King DeDeDe.

Fucking cis bullshit.

Last week did that to me. I'm on season 3 now.

Oh that "such a Jew" thing still happens today. My friend's girlfriend once casually mentioned how a waiter in a restaurant "totally jewed me" because he double charged a drink or something, then looked at me waiting for a laugh. I gave her a little lecture instead, which probably did me no favors but boy was I

What does it say about me when I think that's actually kinda cute?

Do you want to join the Colombia Record Club?

We're more coffee people, but that's the gist of it! My mom absolutely hates the bats, and she'll tear down half of the downstairs trying to root one out. Honestly though I'd rather have 100 bats then have to go into a pitch black cellar for firewood.

It was hooked up to a DVD player, so it wasn't TOTALLY useless, just mostly. And yeah, we would unplug it, but then while we were at school my mom would want to watch Pride and Prejudice (Colin Firth, baby!) and plug it back it, so the cycle began anew.

In the attic mostly, but they fly down and flap around the house on a fairly regular basis. Sometimes when I'm lazy I'll just let them fly around the living room. That is, until one swoops down at me and makes me fall out of my chair. Then it's out! I tried being hospitable!

Or the oft forgot scene in Psycho where the detective is walking up the stairs and then Mrs. Bates just RUNS over out of nowhere and my heart literally flies out of my chest

OH my god how could I forget the horrors of old school Disney! I still stand behind the belief that Pinocchio is one of the scariest and most disturbing movies ever made. The donkey crying for his mom before being sent to the salt mines?! Geez!