Charlotte Grote

Oh I thank the heavens everyday that I don't have a crawlspace.

AHH BLOODY MARY! I hate the dark as it is (I still can't go into my attic without getting shivers) so you can imagine how placing me in a dark, small bathroom with just a mirror went over.

I used to be terrified of mirrors for the same reason, just figuring one day my reflection would wink at me or something, so my room didn't have mirrors in it for a couple years.

I can one up you. The TV in my parent's room would turn on an random intervals, and it wasn't hooked up to any antennae or cable, so it would just go right to static. So the week after we saw that movie, in the middle of the night while my parents were doing something downstairs, their TV would turn on and that static

The last scene in The Ring where Samara comes out of the TV is the only time I've ever screamed at a movie for an extended period of time with no irony whatsoever. Terrifying!

The visual of the seventh grade detectives surrounding a map of the art room, Untouchables style trying to figure out the most likely trajectory from the stink's origin to it's overtaking of the class is too perfect.

I love you. Fart stories are the best because everybody has one and can immediately relate to the shame and horror and hilarity of it. For me it was gym class, 6th grade. We were doing stretches. Specifically the stretches where you had to grab your toes while sitting with your legs extended as far as you could go to

Haha, ah well, I figured but if I was right it would have been fun to freak him out for a few minutes. Anyway, hi wrong guy!

Hi Sylvan!

I'll admit it, I read this in Bill Murray's voice.

But they did get syndicated, which is just as good.

God dammit you just made me laugh loudly and awkwardly in the library.

All I know is that I've watched the intro like 1,000,000,000 times and cry every time cause it's so beautiful to me

GOD @flowsthead I NEED SOME SPACE, YOU DON'T ACTUALLY LOVE ME ALRIGHT? You'll realize this as you get older!

He's like a reverse anime character…

Having Cindy and Sam just not be compatible on a personal level was a brilliant touch because it's so what high school relationships are like, completely one way for most of the parties. Sam liked Cindy because she was cute and nice to him and smiled, but he didn't actually know anything about her. So when they start

I have one actual big person breakup that was super depressing, so I'm going to go with a lighter quasi-breakup that happened in high school. I was a junior at the time and she was a freshman, which shouldn't have been a big deal but it was high school so I was really self-conscious about this. Anyway, we went on a

You don't have to wear a watch if you don't want to.

I'm in the midst of that book right now and although I'm loving it it's super depressing! I don't know how a movie adaptation could make it halfway through without everybody just being super bummed out. Of course, I could see HE POODLED UP MY POOPER being the new NO MORE COATHANGERS for a whole new generation…

Well, popular people can be mean, but I think a big part of the show is the fact that anybody can be mean or insensitive, from the jocks to the geeks.